Recycling, plastic: Assorimap presents the 2023 report

Recycling plastic Assorimap presents the 2023 report

(Finance) – Companies in the mechanical recycling of plastic materials, turnover and geographical segmentation, but also the characteristics of the national production of secondary raw materials and aspects of the market. These are some of the data contained in report on the mechanical recycling of plastic materials 2023 by Assorimap, the National Association of plastic material recyclers and regenerators, which will be presented in Rome on Tuesday 25 June at Palazzo Firenze at 10.

Developed by Milanese consultancy company Plastic Consult, the Assorimap report recounts a slice of the circular economy made in Italy and the steps forward in the ecological transition, within an increasingly defined community and national regulatory context for the fight against pollution from post-consumer plastic waste. To illustrate the study on the sector relating to 2023, Walter Regispresident of Assorimap e Paolo Arcelli by Plastic Consult. Will be Donato Berardidirector of the REF Laboratory, to present the “Recycling Certificates” proposal studied with Assorimap for an environmental and sustainable relaunch of the plastic recycling industries.

After the intervention of Roberta Toffanineconomics expert of the Minister of Environment and Energy Security, also scheduled two round tablesmoderated by Primapress journalist Pasquale Alfieri, which will see industry experts discuss each other on “The national and European scenario for recycling companies” and the vice-president of the Environment Commission of the Chamber of Deputies Patty L’Abbate with Elisa Montemagni (Environment commission) e Francesco Maria Rubano (Finance commission) on the topic “Recycling and decarbonisation, the challenges for the country”. In conclusion, the speech of the president of the Productive Activities commission Alberto Luigi Gusmeroli on “Recycling: beyond the environment, the local economy”.

(Photo: ©yarruta/123RF)
