Recruitment of new Ukrainian soldiers is slow

Lisa is only 22 years old, but already a Ukrainian veteran with the mission of shooting down Russian drones.
– It was obvious, says Lisa from Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine.

When the Russian invasion forces rolled into Ukraine in February 2022, 22-year-old Lisa decided to enlist in the military. Now she is getting ready to scout for tactical drones in the combat zone in Mykolaiv, in southern Ukraine. And she is completely sure of her choice.

– It was obvious. The Russians, our “unwanted guests”, came to our country after all. Then we needed to protect our homeland. Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, Lisa tells TV4 Nyheterna.

– It is my duty to protect my family, my parents and Ukraine, she continues.

Lack of soldiers in Ukraine

After almost 2.5 years of war, the country’s defense forces need 500,000 new soldiers. But it’s a little slow.

For Lisa and the others in the unit that guards the coastal stretch east of Odessa, frustration grows that so few want to serve in the armed forces.

– Many are unnecessarily afraid, says Lisa.

– My message is don’t be afraid to join the army, don’t be afraid to defend your country. If you are Ukrainian, you must defend your country of birth and residence.

Lisa is supported by her colleague Spetsura.

– If we were to stop, then I don’t know who will protect our mothers, our elders. Many back home wish us luck, but what happens when we run out?, says Spetsura.

– Then only luck can save them, he continues.
