Recruitment, Anief: “The bill arrives from the first government party to stabilize precarious workers”

School contract renewal Anief continues negotiations at Aran on new

(Finance) – “The bill on the stabilization of substitute teachers is presented by the first party with a relative majority, the Brothers of Italy, which in this way breaks the delay and sends an important signal to the Government: the recruitment proposal provides for from the first and second band of the GPS, the Provincial Rankings for Substitutes, with solutions on the management of the current ordinary and extraordinary bankruptcy rankings in the transitional phase of implementation of the PNRR.The proposal also concerns eligible candidates by religion and staff mobility, as suggested by Anief during the last hearing in the Senate on the changes to the Milleproroghe decree”. This is what theAnief in a note.

“The presentation of the bill signed by Senators Carmela Bucalo and Antonio Iannone, both of Fratelli di Italia, – said the president Anief, Marcello Pacifico, – is really important, because it comes while the reform of recruitment envisaged by the PNRR is being discussed in the Cabinet office of the Ministry of Education and Merit and after the vote on the proposals on precariousness that took place in these hours in Parliament. We continue to nurture well-founded hopes regarding the possible entries from GPS, also from the second tier and also on matter and not only on support, as requested for some time by Anief. As well as on the changes to the regulation of mobility, with the practically unanimous request to drop the current restrictions on moving that the Ministry of Education would like to implement”.

The union recalls that for the transitional phase of recruitment, to be adopted in the current year and in 2024, pending the entry into force of the reform law 79/2022, those who administer schools in Italy are still awaiting the response from the European Commission on the proposal from the Ministry of Education and Merit which provides for recruitment from first and second level GPS in a path including university training, an outgoing competitive examination and the probationary year, in parallel with a possible further competitive examination reserved for personnel with 36 months of service. The EU will also have to verify the possibility of putting the new restrictions into effect only for new recruits starting from the new competitions envisaged by the reform on the PNRR.

Anief finally claimed, even within the Pnrr decree, close to approval, the allocation of additional resources for administrative staff and DSGA, as well as to harmonize pending issues on the management of the transitional phase, such as the validity of the rankings of the ordinary competition, the integration of the extraordinary competition, the confirmation of contracts stipulated with the reserve clause, the recognition of qualifications obtained abroad, the pending enabling course-competition for applicants, access to the TFA support by way of derogation from the programmed number, the so-called “vertical” qualification passages.
