Recosante: better understanding of air quality

Recosante better understanding of air quality

A daily recommendation to protect you from atmospheric pollution: this is the principle of Recosanté.

On the occasion of the National Air Quality DayOn October 14, the Ministries of Solidarity and Health and Ecological Transition are launching a digital newsletter that offers, every day, a targeted recommendation specific to the place where you live. Objective: to help you reduce the impacts air pollutants and pollens on your health.

Baptized recosante, this digital public service aims to help citizens to know their environment (air quality, water quality, UV index, presence of pollens in the air) thanks to precise indicators linked to their location. By subscribing (free of charge) we receive in our mailbox a daily alert which allows us to know the quality of the environment of the day. The data disseminated are those of the RNSA (national aerobiological surveillance network), Météo France and IRSN (Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety).

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