Record Year for Phone Scammers: ‘Found Way to Succeed’

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Although the guidelines for telephone fraud against the elderly have been tightened, the crimes continue to increase. According to the latest figures through November, the proceeds of crime had increased by over 70 percent compared to 2021, a total of almost SEK 550 million.

– The fraudsters have found a way to succeed here. They come across an enormous amount of money here which can then be reinvested in other types of criminal activity, says Lotta Mauritzson at the police’s national fraud centre.

The police testify that the fraudsters are constantly coming up with new methods to deceive especially the fragile elderly, while the police lack sufficient resources to trace the money.

– We will not be able to investigate all frauds, but we have to work preventively here, says Lotta Mauritzson.
