Record warm spring in Spain

Record warm spring in Spain

Published: Less than 10 min ago

fullscreen Dry, cracked soil in the Sau reservoir north of Barcelona in March. Archive image. Photo: Emilio Morenatti/AP/TT

Spain recorded its warmest spring since records began, and the second driest.

The average temperature was 14.2 degrees, which is 1.8 degrees more than normal according to statistics from the state weather agency Aemet.

In late April, Spain was hit by a widespread heat wave with temperatures in some places 20 degrees above normal for the season, something the World Weather Attribution (WWA) network, whose researchers study the connection between weather and climate change, calls exceptional.

The heat combined with the lack of rain is exacerbating the country’s prolonged drought. Spain’s water reserves are now down to 47.4 percent of their capacity.

Rubén Del Campo, spokesperson for Aemet, points out that the heat has effects on the country’s ecosystem.

– The surface temperatures in 2022 were the highest since 1940, he says at a press conference and warns that it threatens already exposed marine life.

The situation inland does not look any better.

– These high temperatures have consequences for both human health and ecosystems with an increased risk of forest fires.

In May, a support package of 2.2 billion euros was decided to alleviate the losses for agriculture in the wake of the severe drought.
