Record-setting crowd turns out to help set up the Celebration of Lights

Record setting crowd turns out to help set up the Celebration

Organizers were hoping for at least 100 volunteers to show up Saturday at Centennial Park to help set up the Sarnia Lambton Celebration of Lights.

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They got much more than that.

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“We had 152 volunteers show up, the most we’ve ever had that we know of,” event spokesperson Dean Holtz said via email.

Kyleigh Noels, 17, from Sarnia meticulously checks every bulb as volunteers set up the Celebration of Lights Saturday in Centennial Park. Terry Bridge/Sarnia Observer/Postmedia Network Photo by Terry Bridge /Terry Bridge/The Observer

The large crowd, featuring several local high school students, filtered in around 9 am on a sunny but cold morning on the St. Clair River waterfront. Some of them stayed until after sunset.

“There still is more to do but the board members and a few volunteers who love to go the extra mile will put in a bit more time this week to make sure we’re ready for next Saturday,” Holtz said.

Next Saturday is the opening ceremonies, a free event starting at 5 pm with a Christmas music concert on the Agora Stage. There will also be hot drinks, horse and wagon rides, photos with Santa, fireworks and the official lighting.

From left, Sarnia residents Noah Hamel Johnson and Chris Houle help set up the Celebration of Lights Saturday in Centennial Park.  Terry Bridge/Sarnia Observer/Postmedia Network
From left, Sarnia residents Noah Hamel Johnson and Chris Houle help set up the Celebration of Lights Saturday in Centennial Park. Terry Bridge/Sarnia Observer/Postmedia Network

A large crowd of around 4,000 came out last year.

Saturday also is when registration opens for the annual residential lighting competition.

Organizers expect to have 45 to 50 displays, including three new and two restored examples, in the park this year, but they’re also hoping to add a couple more sponsors to the displays. The annual, volunteer-run event began nearly 40 years ago and relies on donations and community support.

-with files from Paul Morden

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