record number of contaminations, vaccination pass required from 12 years old

record number of contaminations vaccination pass required from 12 years

COVID. The number of Covid-19 contaminations continues to rise sharply in 24 hours in France with nearly 208,000 new cases of coronavirus. Examined by the law committee on Wednesday, the vaccination pass will be required “from the age of 12,” said Olivier Véran.

17:56 – The latest figures for the coronavirus in France can be found on our dedicated page

[Fin du direct] The latest figures for the coronavirus in France are breaking records during this Christmas period, with a number of cases exceeding 200,000 in the past 24 hours, said Minister of Health Olivier Véran on Wednesday. The last detailed report can be found in our article dedicated to the Covid figures, updated every evening.

17:37 – The incidence rate exceeds the threshold of 800 in France

Faced with the Covid-19 epidemic which continues in France, the incidence rate which represents the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past week now stands at 820, according to Public Health France. An increase of 47.9% over seven days after the correction made by Public Health France with the effect of the public holiday, December 25.

17:19 – The different scenarios considered by the Institut Pasteur depending on the severity of the Omicron variant

In a study published on Wednesday, the Institut Pasteur established different scenarios for the coming months depending on the severity of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. In Omicron’s half-severity scenario, “the peak hospitalizations could reach 2,700 daily hospitalizations without behavior adjustment.” In the case of a severity equal to the original virus, the peak could reach 2,500 hospitalizations only if “the French reduce their contacts by 20%”. Finally, the scenario presenting a severity similar to the Alpha variant could be around 5,000 hospitalizations.

4:46 pm – 500,000 tests not reimbursed during the Christmas period

According to figures communicated by Olivier Véran before the Law Commission on Wednesday, more than 13 million tests were carried out last week in France. 7.3 million PCR and antigen tests, of which 500,000 were not reimbursed because they did not meet the reimbursement criteria. 6 million self-tests were also carried out.

16:22 – A “new treatment” for people at high risk soon to be marketed

Asked by the deputies for the bill on the vaccine pass, Olivier Véran assured that a “new treatment”, marketed by the Pfizer laboratory, should soon be marketed. “It is intended for people at high risk of developing a serious form due to their fragile state of immunity, which vaccinated can cause severe Covid. The treatment is preventive, and must be able to protect them, this is good news” , he said.

16:08 – No vaccination pass to go to the hospital or to an Ehpad, assures Olivier Véran

During his address to the Law Commission on Wednesday, Olivier Véran assured that “solid tools have enabled us not to deny collective freedoms”. Among these tools, the famous vaccine pass which could come into force in mid-January. “To go to the hospital or to an nursing home, the vaccination pass will not be required. We do not want to prohibit access to care for the unvaccinated,” added the Minister of Health.

16:01 – The health pass at work is not in the vaccine pass bill

Olivier Véran defends the vaccine pass bill in front of the deputies, meeting in committee, this Wednesday. “Negotiations with the social partners did not lead to a consensus” on the use of the health pass at work. Thus, “the government has chosen not to retain it in the text”, replied Olivier Véran to the question of a parliamentary group.

15:39 – “70% of patients in intensive care in Paris hospitals are not vaccinated”, according to Olivier Véran

Olivier Véran, who defends the vaccine pass bill in front of the deputies, meeting in committee, this Wednesday, took stock of the hospital situation in France. “Hospitals in the Paris region have carried out massive deprogramming due to the admission of a certain number of patients. 70% of patients who are in intensive care in Paris hospitals are not vaccinated. And of those who are vaccinated, 80% of them are basically immunocompromised, ”he said.

15:25 – The average of 100,000 cases in a week exceeded

After the announcement of 208,000 new Covid-19 contaminations in 24 hours by Olivier Véran, this Wednesday, the seven-day average exceeds for the first time the symbolic bar of 100,000 cases.

15:07 – Véran believes that “there is little chance that the non-vaccinated will pass between the drops” of the Omicron variant

Hearing this Wednesday concerning the vaccine pass bill in front of the deputies, Olivier Véran affirmed that the situation of unvaccinated people facing the Omicron variant is deteriorating. “I say it, not as a threat I am a doctor and I treat people the same. You are unlikely to pass between the drops, the circulation of the virus is too strong, and the people most prone to to catch the virus are those who are not vaccinated, “he said.

14:58 – Olivier Véran speaks of a “tidal wave” concerning the Omicron variant

Olivier Véran, who defends the vaccine pass bill in front of the deputies, meeting in committee, this Wednesday, took stock of the health situation in France. “The Delta variant involves a major wave with increasing health consequences. It has not said its last word, it is decreasing in some regions but increasing elsewhere. We talk less about it but we must fight it. Then, the Omicron variant , but I will not speak of wave any more, considering the figures which we record, it is a tidal wave. The figures of tonight show the continuous increase and make you dizzy “, he indicated.

2:50 p.m. – Nearly 208,000 people infected with Covid-19 in 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, nearly 208,000 people have been infected with Covid-19, said Olivier Véran, citing figures from Public Health France. “Every second in our country, more than two French people are infected with Covid-19. We have never experienced such a situation, there are everywhere, in all territories, all circles, if I extrapolate us from it. We are surely at a million infected French people, plus asymptomatic people, “he added.

14:44 – Antigenic tests still effective but less sensitive to the Omicron variant

“Preliminary data suggests that antigenic tests detect the Omicron variant well, but with reduced sensitivity,” the United States Drugs Agency (FDA) said in a statement on Wednesday. “If a person tests negative with an antigen test, but is suspected of having Covid-19, for example having symptoms or a high probability of infection from exposure, follow-up with a molecular test ( or PCR, Editor’s note) is important, ”she added.

14:17 – A curfew established in Reunion

To stem the wave of Covid-19, the prefect of Reunion, Jacques Billant, indicated that a three-week curfew will come into force on the island, Saturday, January 1, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. “We are today at a turning point for the preservation of the health system on our territory,” he said according to franceinfo. “It is clear that the situation we are facing at the end of 2021 threatens our territory with many hospitalizations,” he added.

14:01 – The events sector “amazes” by the new measures

The announcements of Jean Castex and Olivier Véran concerning the gauge restrictions applicable from January 3 and for at least three weeks go badly in the event sector. “Despite our many discussions with the government, the announcement that large gatherings would be limited to 2,000 people indoors and 5,000 people outdoors was astounding. It once again puts fairs, exhibitions, conventions and company events at risk. and sports, “said Unimev, Union of event trades.


According to the latest data from Public Health France, communicated on Tuesday, December 28, the seven-day average continues to increase and exceeds 87,500 new cases. In the past 24 hours, 242 people have died from Covid-19 in hospital. The incidence rate has decreased over the past 24 hours and is now 729.85 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants, or 35.92 points less than the day before. Here is the detailed report:

According to last epidemiological point of Public Health France (SPF), published Thursday, December 16, “the progression of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 continued, with hospital indicators still on the rise”. On average, nearly 48,700 cases were diagnosed each day and the incidence rate was 508 positive cases per 100,000 population in many regions – the incidence rate therefore exceeded those of the peaks of 2nd, 3rd and 4th wave.

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus in your town using the map below. Click on a department to display the list of municipalities. Also find all the details on this mapping and the full point by city and by department in our article on the Covid map in France.

Since mid-October 2020, Public Health France has been communicating incidence data (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) at the municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The data are expressed on a rolling week, which means that they are calculated on a day D from the tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. To access information relating to the coronavirus in your town, enter its name into the search engine or click on its department in the map below.

As a reminder, the incidence rate corresponds to the number of new cases of Covid-19 over a period of one week, compared to the total population of a territory (country, region, department or municipality). This indicator is generally expressed in number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The screening rate gives the number of people who have tested for the coronavirus out of the total number of inhabitants, during the period. It is also expressed most often on 100,000 inhabitants. Finally, the test positivity rate gives the percentage of positive tests for the coronavirus, compared to the total number of tests carried out over the period.
