Record heavy rains and floods ravage the Beijing area – a video captured a man being rescued from a car swept away by the current

Record heavy rains and floods ravage the Beijing area

Rescue workers have taken hundreds of people trapped by water to safety, but at least two have been found dead.

Flooding caused by record heavy rains has covered roads and cars and trapped hundreds of people in the Chinese capital, Beijing.

Rescue workers have saved hundreds of people, but at least two have been found dead.

Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes and work has been suspended at thousands of construction sites. Hundreds of flights have been canceled or postponed.

Authorities issued the highest level of warning for floods and landslides in Beijing today, Monday.

Heavy rains brought by the remnants of Typhoon Doksuri also continue in Beijing’s neighbor Tianjin and Hebei province. Doksuri already weakened to a tropical low pressure over the weekend.

Water has risen dangerously high in three of the area’s five rivers.

In Wu’an, a man was rescued from a flooded river after he got stuck in his car swept away by the current.

Doksuri was one of the strongest storms to hit China in recent years. Between Saturday night and Monday morning, it rained an average of 176.9 millimeters in Beijing. One weather station recorded 580.9 millimeters of rain, Chinese state media reports.

Before China, Doksuri ravaged the Philippines, where at least 40 people died. 27 of them were killed when the overloaded ferry capsized.

Another typhoon, Khanun, is forecast to hit the Chinese coast this week.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
