Record for the Election Compass – 250,000 tests performed

Record for the Election Compass 250000 tests performed

Aftonbladet’s election compass breaks records.

Already the first day after the launch, there were over 170,000 completed tests.

– It is incredibly fun that our election compass received such a positive reception, says Titti Jersler, project manager at Aftonbladet.

For the third election in a row, Aftonbladet has produced its own compass. With 250,000 tests done in the first three days, the Valkompassen is now a success.

– It is incredibly fun that our election compass received such a positive reception, says Titti Jersler.

It was not only a success but also a record.

– We broke records already the first day with over 170,000 tests done, which was over 60,000 more than the strongest election compass’s strongest day, which was on election day itself, says Titti Jersler.

What is the reason for the high pressure?

– You notice that the election campaign is underway and that interest is high. But also that our readers need help in a messy political time to understand where the different parties place themselves on different issues and how they differ.

The goal is to prepare readers for the upcoming election.

– We see that the election compass fulfills an important function and we are happy if it can help our readers feel informed and familiar when they then have to vote in September.

Johan Martinsson, associate professor of political science and director of the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg, has been involved in developing the questions.

How do you think as a reader should use Valkompassen?

– I do not think you should take as a simple recommendation for which party to vote for. Rather like a hint about who you are closest to and then you are welcome to read a little more about those parties and ask yourself if it sounds sensible.

The compass should help readers learn more about the different questions using the explanatory text for each question.

– Election compasses help to increase knowledge about the parties and are a great tool, especially for those who are not so politically savvy.

Valkompassen 2022
