Record-breaking interest in becoming a police officer – student David in Umeå: “It felt right”

Gang violence in Sweden has escalated recently. Several people have been injured and killed in the escalating deadly spiral of violence among criminal groups in the country.

Despite that, interest in becoming a police officer is at a record high.

– I think it can affect both positively and negatively. Many feel that they want to help and contribute. Others feel that it is too dangerous and not worth it, says Umeå police officer Nina Kindberg.

Wave of violence does not deter

The drug networks and gangs linked to the wave of violence are also fighting for the market in the north. There is nothing that deters David Carlqvist, who has been accepted to the education in Umeå.

– I want to help people as much as I can, he says.

This weekend, the police academy organized an open house in Umeå – meet some of the visitors in the clip.
