Record-breaking increase in food prices in February

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

February’s price increase of 2.1 percent on daily goods is a record, he says. For food alone, the increase is even greater, 2.5 percent compared to January. The food price monitor started measuring in 2015, and has never before measured such a large increase.

– For the whole of 2021, the price increase for daily goods was 1.1 percent. Now it is twice as much in February alone.

So the prices have risen

So far this year, during January and February, the price increase is 3.4 percent for daily goods. Amazing, according to Ulf Mazur.

If you look at the price development over twelve months, it is 15.2 percent for daily goods, and 17.8 percent for the narrower category of food.

Baby food increased the most

This time, for example, baby food has increased the most in price, 10.8 percent in February alone. Above all, it is the gruel that has become expensive, it has gone up 11.7 percent on average across all articles. But there are many gruel varieties that have increased by around 20 percent.

Baby food cans have also increased in price, plus 9.3 percent. So-called “klemmisar”, bags of snacks, have risen 5.5 percent in price during February.

– The last time baby food was raised, in August last year, both diapers, gruel and baby food were raised. Now it is mostly baby food, but it affects vulnerable groups.

Available in all ranks

But it’s not just baby food that has increased. Even things like animal food, vegetables, snacks and sweets have risen significantly. According to Ulf Mazur, it is no longer about agriculture, as it was in the beginning when food prices went down. Now there are increases in everything, and in all ranks. Packaging, transport and raw materials, and of course everything that is imported.
