Record all liabilities and assets

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The investigation proposes that Statistics Norway (SCB) be given the task of constructing and managing the new register. Financial institutions such as banks and fund companies are subject to a certain reporting obligation to Statistics Sweden, writes Roine Vestman, national economist and expert in the investigation, on Dagens Nyheter’s debate page.

Access to anonymized data in the register is proposed to be severely limited. It is primarily to be used for analysis of economic policy at the Riksbank and the Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as by researchers.

“The register will not have such precision that it can be used for taxation, and according to the inquiry’s proposal, this should not be allowed either,” writes Vestman.

The register would help answer economic policy questions such as the vulnerability of households as indebtedness increases and their impact on the financial system.

Even examination of the consequences of the amortization requirement and the design of accurate support for households for increased electricity prices would have benefited from such a register, argues Vestman.
