Reconquest measures for the Europeans

Reconquest measures for the Europeans

Head of the Reconquest list in the European elections, Marion Maréchal defends a program faithful to her ideas which fights immigration and Islamization and promises French identity and national sovereignty.

Marion Maréchal was chosen to lead the list of the Reconquête party, created by Eric Zemmour, for her first participation in the European elections. This former representative of the National Rally made her return to politics by joining the Zemmourist party during the last presidential campaign. Although she has changed parties, her ideas still remain very conservative, like the program she is carrying for the European elections. Marion Maréchal makes the fight against immigration a priority, but she adds the concept of the fight against Islamization. Conversely, the head of the list claims the defense of French and then European identity and values, because if the Reconquest party does not say it wants to leave Europe, it insists on recognizing the sovereignty of nations over the Union. European.

With the Reconquest list, Marion Maréchal offers a voice of the extreme right different from that of the National Rally led by Jordan Bardella. The two candidates have also planned to sit in different groups, although both representative of the far right, within the European Parliament. The Zemmourist candidate has reached an agreement with the group of European Conservatives and Reformists (CRE) where Giorgia Meloni, head of the Italian and far-right government, sits. However, Marion Maréchal is not completely aligned with the ideas of the CRE and is sometimes more radical: if the group is in favor of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union as well as its enlargement to the Balkans Westerners, Marion Maréchal is fiercely opposed to it.

A program hostile to immigration and European institutions

Marion Maréchal wants a profound review of European policy and some of its institutions such as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which she denounces. The candidate goes so far as to call for the abolition of the European Commission, currently chaired by Ursula von der Leyen, whom she considers “pro-LGBT” and “wokist”. Moreover, the head of the Reconquête list says he wants to fight against “pro-LGBT, woke propaganda or subsidies”, and the fight against the normalization of surrogacy (GPA).

The borders of the European Union also occupy a good place in the program of the head of the list which promotes a “triple border” formed by “the end of free movement for non-Europeans”, “the naval military blockade in the Mediterranean” and a “border beyond our borders, through cooperation agreements with the countries around the Mediterranean to fight against emigration”. Faithful to her far-right line, she wants to make the fight against Islamism a common European cause and include the “Greek, Latin and Christian roots of Europe” in a treaty. New proof, if necessary, that Reconquest wishes to reform Europe.

Far-right ideas and a program which have similarities with the National Rally project. But on this point, Marion Maréchal insists on the different “capacity to act” of the two parties, ensuring that they can do better than the Lepéniste party which “has changed nothing” despite its victories in the European elections in 2014 and 2019. An argument reinforced by the alliance of Reconquest with the CRE which signals the end of political isolation in the European Parliament. “My objective is obviously to beat Emmanuel Macron and his group in the European Parliament. And, in fact, today, only ECR is able to do that,” she indicated to France Info on February 7.

Marion Maréchal’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. Marion Maréchal defends a proud France on her own while the vote is not national but European. She recalls her fight against immigration, Islamization as well as her defense of traditional values, including family and work, as well as national sovereignty in the face of European institutions. And the candidate challenges voters on these points with an alarmist question: “Which France will our children live in?”

Marion Maréchal’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the Reconquest site.
