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in collaboration with
Johanna Rozenblum (clinical psychologist)
On Monday, high school students will find out their Baccalaureate results. But how can you cope with the pressure so far and have a weekend without (too much) anxiety? Psychologist Johanna Rozenblum gives us her little useful tips. To repeat to your teenager!
After the stress of exams, on Monday, July 8, high school students will finally know their Baccalaureate grades, whether they passed or not, or whether they are entitled to a resit. This is also the case for the results of the Brevet des collèges or certain university exams. A good dose of stress before the holidays in short. But how to manage it and not worry about everything all weekend? Johanna Rozenblum, psychologist and member of our committee of experts, gives us three things to do or think about that can calm you down.
Refocus on yourself (and your friends)
Why are you so stressed? Because most of the time, waiting creates a kind of rumination loop that is difficult to get out of.But to avoid ruminating and dwelling on an event, and to break this ruminative loop, there is nothing like refocusing on yourself and what you love, in this period of stress,” suggests our expert. So no more work, no more revision, etc. Take advantage of this waiting time to do some sport, see your friends, your family, start a personal project, or go to the hairdresser.Anything that can keep you busy, make you feel good, while you think about something else.”
Classify and tidy up your things
The idea is not to turn you into Marie Kondo when you have spent days or even weeks revising. But precisely, “ftidying up your school things, your room, your workspace, helps you clear your mind and start with a welcome idea of renewal, whatever the result”, suggests the expert. A good classification session will therefore do you good.
Putting the facts into perspective
Finally, a few days before the results, the psychologist invites you to do a little work on your own projection.Stress causes us to have anxious thoughts, and create pessimistic scenarios in our heads. But this is not reality, it is not because our thoughts are anxious that the results will be bad”, she recalls. To overcome this, Johanna Rozenblum advises trying another vision of things: “So this is also the right time to put things into perspective and repeat to yourself like a mantra: “I did things, and did them well, the die is cast, we can’t go back on it.” And to remember that no situation is inextricable, in the exam results.For every situation, there is a solution. And then, why not try the trust in youand in your work, too!”