Recognition of a Palestinian state ignites the National Assembly in Paris

Recognition of a Palestinian state ignites the National Assembly in

The day Spain, Ireland and Norway formally recognized the State of Palestine, the debates in the French National Assembly heated up. Tempers rose sharply this Tuesday, May 28 after an LFI deputy violated the regulations by brandishing at arm’s length a black, red, white and green flag, that of Palestine. The session was immediately interrupted, and the parliamentarian was heavily sanctioned.

2 mins

With the National Assembly, Raphaël Delvolvé

It was around 3:30 p.m., during the government questions session, in the lower house of Parliament. During an exchange on the situation in the Middle East, MP Sébastien Delogu, from La France insoumise, stood up and waved the Palestinian flag.

According to him, this gesture was aimed at denouncing the Israeli offensive carried out Gazawhose France would be – still according to him – “ partner in crime “. It immediately caused a significant uproar, the word is weak; very strong indignations in the hemicycle broke out from elected representatives of the far right, the right and the presidential majority.

There were even virulent insults between deputies during the suspension of the session, since the session was immediately suspended to allow the Bureau of the Assembly to meet, which is very rare. Waving a flag in the hemicycle is strictly prohibited by the internal regulations.

Excluded for two weeks with half of his compensation for two months

The parliamentarian receives the heaviest possible sanction, that is to say exclusion, for two weeks, from the National Assembly, with compensation reduced by half for two months. He reacted by saying he was very proud of his gesture. Left-wing deputies denounced a disproportionate sanction.

The other groups accuse La France insoumise of exploiting the conflict to win voters before next week’s European elections.

Calm eventually returned, but the frankly inglorious, not very positive images of the National Assembly are playing over and over on television channels.

Read alsoRecognition of the Palestinian state: firm response from Madrid, Dublin and Oslo to criticism from Israel
