Recipe | Pumpkin flan, quinoa

Recipe Pumpkin flan quinoa

The first advantage of quinoa — according to some intolerant people in any case — is that he is without gluten. But it’s not the only one. Quinoa is also rich in protein and in essential amino acids — with the soyit is the only vegetable to contain them all –, in fibers and in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Quinoa also contains of the antioxidantsof the minerals and trace elements — from manganeseessentially, or even iron or copper — as well as vitamins — some 10% of the recommended daily allowances of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 in a 185 gram serving.

Thus the consumption of quinoa is particularly recommended for vegetarians. It is also for people suffering fromanemia. More generally, quinoa would help prevent cardiovascular illnesses and the diabetes type 2. It would present virtues anti-inflammatories and antivirals.

To conclude, did you know that quinoa is not a cereal? It is in fact the fruit of a plant of the beet family or even of thespinach. And in South America, it has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years.
