received by Attal, agricultural unions demand answers

received by Attal agricultural unions demand answers

1:20 p.m. – Golfech nuclear power plant blocked by farmers

After numerous road blockages, certain farmers’ unions decided to block “the various accesses to the nuclear power plant” at Golfech, in Tarn-et-Garonne, this Monday, January 22, according to details from the gendarmerie to AFP . The Young Farmers Union was at the origin of the maneuver but was joined by the FDSEA. At least fifty tractors have been on site for 6 hours according to La Dépêche du Midi.

1:01 p.m. – “We are not going to be satisfied with simple measuring spoons” warns the vice-president of the FNSEA

“This anger is deep, it dates back several years” and is expressed with more force today, explained the vice-president of the FNSEA, Luc Smessaert, on BFMTV, adding that the profession “is not going to be satisfied with simple measures”. “Our dignity takes a hit, when we see the remuneration it’s discouraging,” added the trade unionist who believes that farmers “need to rediscover the pride of getting up in the morning” and that it is necessary “to bring back good meaning on farms” denouncing “over-regulation” disconnected from reality.

12:48 – Actions carried out “all week” and beyond

The mobilizations and actions of farmers must continue “all week and as long as necessary” declared the president of the FNSEA, Arnaud Rousseau, this Monday morning on France Inter. For his part, the vice-president of the majority agricultural union indicated on BFMTV that blockades continue to be organized “in each department, in each region”. According to him, many of these blockages will be carried out on the roads, following the example of what has been done on the A64, in Haute-Garonne, since Thursday November 18.

12:37 – The Minister of Agriculture understands “the excess of anger”

The Minister of Agriculture, Marc Fesneau, said he understood the mobilization of farmers at the microphone of BFMTV during a trip to Vendée: “At one point, the excess anger runs out.” He also assured that he had “set to work” to respond to certain demands of farmers, in particular by completing the bill for the renewal of generations of farmers which should be presented on Wednesday and was rejected “not because the law was not ready” or “good” according to the minister, but because “we can add elements of simplification [et] acceleration of certain procedures”. Marc Fesneau warned that certain changes “may seem long” but considered it necessary to “do everything we can do right away”.
