Receive up to 1,100 euros thanks to this new aid – in addition to CAF and APL

Receive up to 1100 euros thanks to this new aid

A little help for the year 2024? This is the promise of this new social assistance, intended to cover part of your rent. Here’s how to get it.

Little novelty for the year 2024! Social assistance is making a comeback, after disappearing on December 15, 2023. Discover its new conditions of allocation and the amount to which you could claim. Indeed, if you have until now received aid from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), personalized housing assistance (APL), the social housing allowance (ALS), the loca-pass advance or even the Visale guarantee, please note that additional housing support may be available to you. This is youth mobility aid, offered by the Action Logement organization.

The amount granted can vary between 10 and 100 euros per month. It is calculated based on your rent, or your share if you are in shared accommodation. If you receive other benefits, the youth mobility assistance will be assessed based on your remaining dependents. For example, if your rent is 500 euros and you benefit from aid of 225 euros thanks to APL, you can consider the maximum aid, i.e. an additional 100 euros thanks to mobili-jeune, because your remaining dependent exceeds here the 100 euros. Another example: for a rent of 350 euros, if you receive 280 euros from APL, the aid paid will be 70 euros. On the other hand, for a rent of 250 euros, if you receive 245 euros from APL, you will not be able to benefit from the aid, because your remaining cost is, here, less than 10 euros. Please note that the maximum amount that can be received over a full year is capped at 1100 euros, paid over 11 monthly payments.

To be eligible for youth mobility aid, you must be under 30 years old, follow a work-study or professionalization contract and receive a gross monthly salary not exceeding 80% of the minimum wage (i.e. 1,413.54 euros per month). ‘actual hour). Unlike the year 2023, this time you must have chosen your current accommodation to be closer to your place of work. In addition, this new accommodation must be more than 70 km from your old address or more than 40 minutes by transport or motor vehicle.

If you do not meet these conditions, it is still possible to obtain it if you rent two accommodations over the same period and pay double rent. Without forgetting that it is reserved for employees of a private company in the non-agricultural sector. On the other hand, if you belong to the agricultural sector, know that similar assistance is available: Agri-Mobili-jeune.

How to apply?

After verifying your eligibility, a few steps are necessary to obtain this assistance:

  • Go to the Action Logement website and create your account.
  • Submit the necessary supporting documents in your personal space: pay slips, rent receipt or proof of rent payment.

Please note, the frequency of payment of the aid depends on the frequency of submission of your salary proofs (monthly, quarterly, etc.). In addition, your request must be made no later than the day before your 30th birthday, or 3 months before or 3 months after the start of your work-study contract. A good plan to share with young people!
