REbuild, Petroni: demographic change and green transition new challenges for real estate

Nomisma Real Estate Observatory in 2023 48 thousand families will

(Finance) – “The sector real estate will have to face different challenges in the coming years, starting precisely from demographic dynamics which are also changing the entire demand for real estate products. The aging of the population, the increase in families, the reduction in the number of families impose a different demand for real estate products”. Thus Davide Albertini PetroniPresident of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare, speaking at REbuild.

“Then the digital transition, the green transition, the environmental transition are challenges that will certainly engage the sector two moments: one contamination of the real estate sector with other sectors and, above all, integration of the supply chain or in any case a shortening of the supply chain”.

“The real estate product is built through different phases: design, construction and management next one. We will have to start talking from the beginning in such a way as to build a design path, leading up to the management of the entire life cycle of the building”.

“This is a challenge that we as an association are facing through two moments: with a continuum relationship with institutions, with the various ministries, to try to make our tax regulatory system consistent with the rest of Europe in order to facilitate international and national investors in addressing the issue of the green transition; Then, within the association, through a training and sharing process principles, to try to evolve the entire real estate industry system”.

(Photo: Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash)
