Reborn baby: the most realistic dolls

Reborn baby the most realistic dolls

Their eyes, facial expressions, hair and skin look like two drops of water like a real baby’s. The reborn babies, made of silicone, are more than realistic. Our selection of the best girls and boys dolls, which are a real success in France.

The reborn babies are ultra-realistic dolls that create the illusion. Those “real fake babies“called “reborn” or “renaissance” were very successful in the United States in the 90s. Created in silicone, these babies in boys and girls version are the size of a real newborn. The eyes, hair, skin texture, facial expressions and expressions are made to perfection, to such an extent that one could be mistaken. If this realism arouses surprise, children themselves love to have fun with these newborns that they already consider to be their own babies. If the reborn babies price can sometimes reach several hundred euros, other dolls are more affordable. Discover our selection of the best reborn babies for girls and boys, or for twins, in silicone.
