Reasons for the Avatar 2 delay – Why it took so long to shoot

Reasons for the Avatar 2 delay Why it took

Avatar 2 will finally start in German cinemas on December 14, 2022. But why did it all take so long? What went wrong? The grotesquely long waiting time after leaving for Pandora has various causes. We explain: That’s why filming Avatar 2 is taking so long.

If everything had worked out as planned, Avatar 2 would have been in cinemas 6 years ago, that makes it until Start 8 years late. Possibly the most anticipated sequel is also the longest delayed.

Already at the beginning of 2010, when the surprising billion-dollar success became apparent in this form, director James Cameron promised sequels for the first time. He even gave rough start dates.

When is Avatar 2 coming in Germany? All missed theatrical releases since 2014

Initially, only 2 Avatar sequels were announced, which changed over time. 4 films are now planned.

  • Theatrical Release 1 for Avatar 2: December 2014
  • Theatrical Release 2 for Avatar 2: December 2017
  • Theatrical Release 3 for Avatar 2: December 2018
  • Theatrical Release 4 for Avatar 2: December 2020
  • Theatrical Release 5 for Avatar 2: December 2021
  • Theatrical release 6 for Avatar 2 in Germany is currently December 14, 2022
  • The 3 further sequels will follow until December 2028.

    Avatar 2 delay Reason 1: The extremely complex production

    Avatar 2 has finished filming and part 3 is nearing completion. But now it’s just beginning second phase of production, more precisely the post-production. Avatar is heavily dependent on visual effects and digital post-processing as the picture shows.

    ©20th Century Fox/ Disney

    Kate Winslet as an underwater creature on the Avatar 2 set

    Computer effects are added to the physically shot scenes, the material is cut and cast into shape. That takes time, which is why almost 2 years have passed until the theatrical release. In this article you will read details about the plot of Avatar 2 and more.

    The fact that it took so long at all has to do with the particularly ambitious nature of the production. We’ve been shooting since autumn 2017 – but on 2 films at the same timeeach probably about two and a half hours running time will. Avatar – Journey to Pandora is 160 minutes long. Read more about the parallel filming of the Avatar sequels here.

    Avatar 2 delay Reason 2: James Cameron’s perfectionism
    and new 3D

    James Cameron kept blowing up his project. For a long time it grew in breadth instead of making progress and actually getting closer to a theatrical release. Instead of the original 2 sequels, the master director (Terminator 2, Titanic) eventually took on 4 films for which he wrote the screenplays – and also at the same time. He also wanted to find out the Avatar formula for success before writing the scripts.

    Of course, Cameron wants to revolutionize cinema again with the Avatar sequels. He developed a new way of depicting underwater scenes. He wants for avatar 2 “the best 3D that can be created.”

    Even 3D without 3D glasses is under discussion, although it is not yet known what became of the plans.

    Avatar 2 – This is what we already know about the sequels | top 5

    The visionary filmmaker spent a long time at these many construction sites. Because the sequels should “the essence of my abilities” depict. The possibly paralyzing will to really make everything right, new and special hovers over Avatar 2. Cameron wants to create the best cinematic experience possible.

    Avatar 2 delay Reason 3: Titanic 3D, scheduling difficulties and distractions

    In addition, James Cameron was constantly distracted by other major productions. In 2012 he first brought the 3D version of Titanic to cinemas instead of taking care of the development of new Avatar films. Further time-consuming and energy-consuming large-scale projectswhich James Cameron has been involved in since Part 1: Alita: Battle Angel and Terminator: Dark Fate.

    In 2012 he therefore had to assure the New York Times: “I am now in the avatar business. Basta. That’s it. I’m doing Avatar 2, Avatar, maybe Avatar 4, and I’m not going to make any more films for other people.”

    Avatar 2 delay reason 4: The Corona Crisis

    Now we have arrived in the present. We owe the (hopefully) last delay to the pandemic. The tightened security conditions from last year also forced Avatar production to pause. And with the films only eligible for a December release (which pumped Avatar 1 into success), all sequels were pushed back a full year.

    This results in the current start on December 14, 2022.

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