Reasons for strange situations during sex! They’re actually pretty normal.

1667028610 Reasons for strange situations during sex Theyre actually pretty normal

Sex makes both parties happy and enjoy. Many people think that sex has to be perfect. But in real life, there is no such thing as perfect sex. Watching too much porn increases one’s expectations by distracting them from the realities of life. Some situations experienced during sex can lead to the deterioration of the relationship. However, these situations have very normal causes.


Queefing is the sound of air coming out of your vagina, although it may seem like passing gas. Queefing can happen anytime, especially during a hot athletic session where you bend over a lot like yoga. The next time you hear this sound, know that it is absolutely normal.


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Yes, this awkward moment can come into your life if it hasn’t come by now. However, you should relax because gas is a bodily reflex. This is natural and if it happens during sex, know that it doesn’t matter.


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Sometimes, you get enough fluid to have good sex. Other times, you may squirt too much fluid for many reasons. It can also be because you are overly excited or due to hormonal fluctuations. For example, your recent withdrawal of birth control pills and your menstrual cycle may change your hydration.


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There are several reasons why you may not get wet during sex. There may be a hormonal imbalance, you may be dehydrated or you are breastfeeding. But don’t worry! That said, you can use oils that will do the job.


Sometimes your period decides to be an intruder and comes at the wrong time. It is absolutely normal to have periods between sex.

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Orgasm is great, but that’s not the definition of great sex. Of course, you may want to be every time, but it doesn’t always happen. Many men and women experience great sex and great intimacy without orgasm. This is absolutely normal.
