Real wages are rising – up 1.9 percent in April

Real wages are rising – up 19 percent in April


  • Real wages are rising – up 1.9 percent in April

    Real wage increase in April, according to the Mediation Institute. Archive image. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    Wage increases were higher than inflation in April, which means that so-called real wages are rising, according to the Mediation Institute’s calculations.

    Centrally agreed wages in the entire economy increased by 3.6 percent in April. But overall, wages in Sweden are estimated to have increased by 4.2 percent in April compared to the same month last year.

    If you exclude the increase in consumer prices excluding mortgage interest – that is, CPIF inflation – of 2.3 percent in April, this means a lift for the real wage of 1.9 percent.

    “Even if you take into account that interest rates were higher than a year ago, the real wage rose by 0.3 percent in April,” says Petter Hällberg, macroeconomist at Medlingsinstitutet.


  • Crane truck has overturned against a house

    A crane truck has overturned in central Karlstad near the train station, writes NWT.

    Emergency services are on the scene along with an ambulance, according to the newspaper.

    The text is updated.

  • 50 liters of diesel released – reported as an environmental crime

    An estimated 50 liters of diesel have been released at a construction site in Norsborg, the police write on their website.

    An environmental crime report is made because diesel has leaked into the ground.

  • Large rocket attack from Gaza against Israel

    About twenty rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel. (Archive image) Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg/AP/TT

    The Israeli military (IDF) says a cascade of rockets were fired at Israel from Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

    – About 20 rockets fired from the area surrounding the city of Khan Yunis were identified. Several were shot down and some fell in southern Israel, Israel’s military said.

    No one was injured in the attack and Israeli forces struck the launch site, according to the IDF.

    The armed wing of the terror-labeled Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for the attack.

    “We bombed the settlements along the Gaza Strip with missiles in response to the Zionist enemy’s crimes against our Palestinian people,” the al-Quds Brigades said in a statement.

  • Bus and car in accident

    A county traffic bus and a car are involved in an accident in Kalmar.

    – We are helping people out of the bus. No one should be injured, says Patric Fors at the police.

    Whether the victims in the car are injured is currently unclear, according to Patric Fors.

    – We are at the scene and are investigating what happened.

    The accident happened at an intersection.

    – Traffic is heavily affected. Whether it is completely still or not, I don’t know at the moment.

    The text is updated.

  • Four arrested for robbery and assault

    The police are alerted at 11pm in Hageby on Sunday evening.

    A man is said to have been abused by several other people and to have lost personal belongings.

    – I don’t know if the person has had to seek treatment or not, says Angelica Forsberg, press spokesperson for the police in the East region.

    On the spot, the police can arrest four people for robbery.

    – The incident took place outdoors.

    The people are in their 20s and one is a minor.

    The three adults are now arrested by prosecutors, all suspected of robbery and assault.

    She cannot answer whether the people knew each other.

    – Prosecutors are in charge of the matter now.

  • Menacing man outside house – police used stun gun

    A man allegedly behaves threateningly outside a woman’s house in Krokom.

    The people are familiar with each other from before.

    The man is arrested on suspicion of violating a no-contact order, attempted aggravated assault, aggravated violation of the Knife Act, aggravated breach of domestic peace and unlawful threat to an official.

    During the arrest, the man became agitated and the police used stun guns.

  • Brandished gun-like objects – were airsoft weapons

    The police are alerted about two men allegedly brandishing gun-like objects outdoors in Skellefteå during the night to Monday.

    They are both in their 25s and are drunk.

    It turns out they’ve been brandishing airsoft guns, instead of edged weapons.

    The men are suspected of unlawful threats.

    The airsoft weapons are confiscated.

  • Argument in industrial area

    A man and woman are said to have argued outside an industrial area in Luleå.

    The police go to the scene and find those involved.

    A 25-year-old man is arrested on suspicion of assault and serious illegal threats.

    The report is being prepared.

  • Rape indoors in Borlänge

    During the night to Monday, a woman was raped indoors in Borlänge.

    – A man has been arrested in the case, but was later released following a decision by the prosecutor, says police spokesperson Anders Dahlman.

    In the course of the investigation, the police have checked people and vehicles.

  • Woman was rescued from the water

    A man fell into the water at the height of the German Church in Gothenburg, writes P4 Gothenburg.

    A passing woman managed to save the man from the water with the help of a lifebuoy at 05 o’clock this morning, before the rescue service arrived on the scene.

  • Car fire at bathhouse

    A car has caught fire at Hylliebadet in Malmö.

    The car was completely destroyed and two other cars were also damaged.

    A report of vandalism will be drawn up, according to the police.

    There are no suspects.

  • Train alarms woke Malmö residents

    Several people were woken during the night to Monday by an alarm that sounded over Malmö.

    “It is an enormously loud noise that was heard for most of the night,” writes a Malmö resident.

    Shortly before seven o’clock, the police announced that the alarm had come from a freight train.

    – There is some work on the track that caused the train to make noise, says police spokesperson Patric Fors.

    There should be no danger to the public.

  • The family’s appeal to Joe Biden

    President Joe Biden’s family urges him to keep fighting, reports New York Times.

    After Thursday’s debate against Donald Trump, criticism of Biden has poured in. His effort was described as disastrous in the American media.

    But over the weekend he spent time with his family at the president’s recreational residence, Camp David. There he is said to have been encouraged to continue fighting.

    The Biden clan is said to be convinced that the president is capable of four more years in office.

  • North Korea launches robots

    North Korea has fired two ballistic missiles, reports say Reuters.

    The information comes from the South Korean military.

    The first robot flew about 60 miles, the second flew about 12 miles. They were fired around 21.00 Swedish time.

    The robots’ flight paths were analyzed by the US and South Korean military.

    Earlier on Sunday, North Korea criticized an exercise by South Korea, Japan and the United States that began on Thursday.

    North Korean state media called the relationship between the three countries “the Asian version of NATO,” reports The Guardian.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • How are the fires going in Greece? I think mainly of the one in Crete, but also Andros.


    Hi Lena!

    It is still burning in several parts of the country. Among other things in the area around Athens, which you can read more about here.

    Here you can read about how it was in Crete during the week.

  • Still no response from you, (surprising)

    WHAT is a downpour-like rain,

    Is it about the amount or speed of the fallout?

    In addition, Aftonbladet is needed,

    If truth be told…


    Hello Sven-O!

    This is how SMHI defines torrential rain:

    “Very heavy rain that falls over a period of a few hours. This can have major consequences in society in a short time.”

    Have a nice day, don’t forget your umbrella!

  • We in BORRBY were also without electricity for about three hours. Have lived in Malmö for about 40 years but don’t care about the city anymore.

    If you are now going to represent the whole of Sweden, then make sure to do it.


    nordstrand nickelase

    Hi Niklas! If we were to write about all the power outages in the whole country, there would be a lot, especially when it is usually very local. We are a nationwide newspaper as you mention, but that also means that we cannot write about everything in every locality.

  • In your top news right now, it says that a top broker is convicted of financial crimes, long prison sentences, but no names.

    In the next news regarding murder and rape or for that matter if it is gang-related, you write out the name and post a picture of the perpetrators. what makes the difference? it’s still the case that there are people who are sentenced to rather long sentences, I don’t see the difference, criminal as criminal!

    Kenneth Eriksson

    Hi Kent! All name and picture publications are made on a case-by-case basis. You can read about how we reason here.

  • SMHI warns of torrential rain, you just wrote, but not when it would come, just where.


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