Real names, children, partner and tictok

Real names children partner and tictok

Miss Molly is a Finnish-Swedish artist, songwriter and Tiktok-influencer. Here is everything you want to know about Molly Rosenström: Artist name, children, partner and Tiktok.

What is Miss Molly’s real name?

Miss Molly is an artist, songwriter and Tiktok-influencer but her real name is really Molly Rosenström.

Miss Molly Age – How old is she?

Miss Molly was born on July 3, 1999 in Helsinki in Finland and turns 26 in the summer of 2025. She is originally from Finland and is Finnish. Today in Stockholm in Sweden with his partner and son.

How many followers does Miss Molly have on Tiktok?

Miss Molly works actively with her Tiktok account where she is called @missmollymusic. At the time of writing, she has over 196,000 followers.

Was Molly Rosenström in The Voice Kids?

Yes, 2013 Miss Molly was 13 years old and competed and won The Voice Kids Finland. In 2011 she competed in Talent Suomi and finished in a second place, according to EPN.

Miss Molly songs – has she made any hits?

Miss Molly has written many hits and has several songs that have made it to Billboard. According to her own side She is in the Nordic region’s most successful songwriter. She has topped both the Japanese and the Korean Billboard list, according to Wateraid.

Some hits that Miss Molly wrote are: Trouble, 21 Flaws, Worst Parts of Me and Stay Away.

Does Miss Molly have boyfriend or partner?

Miss Molly has lives with her partner Robert And her son Nate. Son Nate got Molly with Nate’s father Thomas When she was 19 years old, according to Mama.

Robert, 45, works with the afterwork club Out of Office. It is a concept held once a month in Gothenburg, Malmö, Oslo, London, Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen where it invites to an after work at various clubs during early evenings when they otherwise keep closed, according to Summary.

Does Miss Molly have children?

Yes, Miss Molly has a son named Nate. Molly became pregnant when she was 19 and knew it directly in the body. She remembers exactly how it felt the moment at Plusa on the stick.

– Yes, I remember it exactly. I felt throughout my body that I was pregnant, I knew it several days before I could take a test. When it had been enough days for that pregnant stick to give a rash, I tested positively. I was overjoyed! The first thing I did was run to the pharmacy and bought pregnancy vitamins, haha, she said in an interview with Mama.

When Miss Molly’s family learned that she was pregnant, they were both happy and supportive.

– Both my family and my friends were super happy and supportive. They knew I wanted to be a mother early. But my mom had a mini crisis “Should I really become a grandmother? I’m not even old?”. She had more crisis than me, haha, Molly said in an interview with Mama.

Does Miss Molly Instagram have?

Yes, on Instagram is called @mollies.
