The star of Real Madrid and the French team has always looked kindly on this club.
Having left PSG in the summer of 2024 to join the biggest club in the world, Real Madrid, Kylian Mbappé has done what he has always dreamed of doing since he was a child. Real Madrid was displayed almost everywhere in his teenage bedroom, including posters of Cristiano Ronaldo. But Kylian Mbappé also has a particular attachment to another rather unexpected club, which plays in Italy and for which he once again declared his love last May, during the big Globe Soccer Awards ceremony on Sky Sports Italia.
Voted best player of the year, Mbappé took advantage of this interview in a transalpine media to praise… AC Milan! The Italian club, with a record just as impressive as Real Madrid, is Kylian Mbappé’s second favorite club. “Really Italy? You never know what can happen. When I was a kid, I was a fan of AC Milan and I always told myself that one day if I came to Italy, I would play at AC Milan”, he even dared.

But where does this passion come from? In February 2022, during The Best ceremony organized in Paris by Fifa, Kylian Mbappé had already responded to a person who visibly asked him to come and play in Italy. “If I come, it’s only AC Milan,” said the star of the France team with a smile.
And it was during an interview given to Gazzetta dello Sport, in 2021, that Mbappé explained having “a special connection” with the Milanese club. “When I was a child I had an Italian nanny and I spent a lot of time with her family. They are all Milan fans. So thanks to them I also cheered for the Rossoneri and watched a lot of Milan matches”.
What do Milanese supporters dream of? Not sure because the Frenchman obviously first wants to prove himself with Real, despite the difficulties he has faced since his arrival, and go for the goal he is missing: the Champions League. “It’s not the best start to the season from a collective or individual point of view but we have already won a trophy in the European Super Cup. At Real we are waiting for you in the second part of the season where we have to win titles” , launched the Frenchman in a major interview for Canal + on December 8, also indicating that he was in the best possible club to win the big ears cup.