Real Madrid: Benzema-Aspas: long live the goal

Real Madrid Benzemas League

If Iago Aspas says it, who are the rest of us to refute it. “Benzema and I… old rockers never die”assured this past Friday in AS the Moaña scorer and sports and spiritual leader of this Celta. Iago and Karim, companions of the 1987 vintage (Celtiña is four years older than Real Madrid) and also in the complicated life of the scorer that does not respond to the prototype of nine to use…

Photo of Blades

It could be said, without prejudice to their teammates, that Real Madrid and Celta are practically living off the scent of their stars. Aspas’ goals are 39.3 percent of those scored by Coudet’s team in the league, while Benzema has contributed 37.2% of those scored by this table-leading Real Madrid. Of course, they appear in different degrees of inspiration. Benzema has scored in his last five games (no less than eight goals) while the sky-blue captain is looking to get back into rhythmwith only one scoring afternoon in the last seven days, yes, it was very benzemian: in the 4-3 against Mallorca he put two on his account and gave another.

If the 5-2 between Madrid and Celta in the first round was reduced to a Benzema-Aspas pulse, it was for the Frenchman and by crushing. That afternoon the madridista made a hat trick and gave an assist, while Celtiña stayed in the 0-1 pass to Santi Mina.

Real Madrid Benzema Aspas long live the goal

The numbers of Benzema and Aspas this course.

Aspas has one more year left (signed) in Vigo, like Benzema in Chamartín. But they are two footballers who with a simple handshake with their presidents renew. Even in that they look alike.
