Real estate, Fimaa-Confcommercio survey: healthy market in the first quarter

The brick is back on track 4 in the

(Finance) – After the boom of 2021, the number of trading from housing still grows in the first four months of 2022, but with less intensity: in the opinion of 54.2% of real estate operators Fimaa – Italian Federation of Business Agents Mediators, adhering to Confcommercio– Businesses for Italy – is stable at the levels of the last quarter of 2021. This happens for two reasons: the demand for purchases which is still perceived dynamic – as in 2021 – by 56.3% of real estate agents, and the quantity of offer for sale which is perceived as a reduction by 51.2%.

The resultant of this “imbalance”, in the opinion of the majority of the sample (58.4%), is a trend percentage variation of prices completely similar to that at the end of the previous four-month period, equal to + 4%.

It is the photograph of the sentiment of the residential real estate market, referring to the final balance of the first quarter of 2022 and forecasts for the next quarter, made byFimaa Studies Office – coordinated by Andrea Oliva – which highlights a market that is still strong in terms of fundamentals, but as it was logical to expect, with “more limited” growth percentages.

The market, according to more than a quarter of the sample, is still driven by concessions (extended until the end of 2022) for young people under 36 (tax exemption and mortgage up to 100%), followed by purchases for investment (23.4%). In third place with 20.3% of the reviews are indicated the interest rates on mortgages, still considered competitive (these three items obtained 69.3% of responses).
