Ready for the Singelloop: running more popular than ever, but ‘keep respect for the sport’

Ready for the Singelloop running more popular than ever but

Who are these runners in the city anyway? Well, 66-year-old Paul, for example. He runs around the Singel three to four times a week, but he has never participated in the Singelloop – or other running events. “And that while I live on the course,” he laughs. He cannot say whether running events have become more popular. “I see people around me dropping out more and more often. I think that is somewhat age-related. Broken hips, broken knees… But I think it is a privilege to be able to walk in this beautiful city. And such a sunny A day like today is truly a gift.”

The Mexican Alfredo also runs through Utrecht a few times a week. First to help his girlfriend with her training for the marathon, but now just himself. “That distance is too far for me, I will do a maximum of 10 kilometers. I will not be running next Sunday, but I have participated in events before, most recently in Maarssen.” Running is very popular in the Netherlands anyway, he thinks. “In Mexico I only know two runners, here I always see a lot of runners in the forest and parks. The people here are very dedicated.
