This small verification is essential before paying a fine of parking. She can make her invalid.
This is never a pleasure to receive a report for unpaid or outdated parking. However, it happens to thousands of motorists every day, and more and more since private companies operate in our streets with cars with cameras to track down bad payers. But among all offenders, how much is their minutes meticulously before paying their fine? However, this is the first thing to do after opening the mail. Because a verification which only requires a few seconds can make it possible to contest the FPS (post-contracting package) with the almost certainty of obtaining the case.
It is a question of looking at a small line located in the box entitled “Information relating to parking” of the minutes. Inside it are mentioned the date and time of the report of the offense, the registration number of the vehicle concerned as well as the brand of the latter. And that’s not all, the vehicle parking lot is also informed. It is on this point that you must be particularly vigilant because it can make it possible to cancel the fine.

It happens that the address indicated is incomplete. Most often because the number of the house, the building or the store is missing in which the vehicle was parked. The name of the street cannot be enough. This is compulsory information, an imprecise address offers offender the possibility of contesting the FPS and making it invalid. The Council of State recently reminded municipalities their obligation of precision when the minutes are drafted so as not to expose themselves to this kind of procedures.
The next time you receive a parking fine, remember to look at the place of the offense. It is all the more recommended that the amounts of parking fines have jumped in recent years in France. Since 2018, each local community has leisure to set its prices. Some elected officials abuse it, as in Lyon and Paris, with fines of up to 60 and 50 euros respectively, when others, as in Marseille, have (until then) decided to stay at 17. But whatever the amount claimed , if a simple address element is missing or erroneous on the PV, do not hesitate to counter-attack.