Read on Twitter that all their efforts were in vain

The tactical shooter Valorant is supposed to be the next big game in e-sports, but now there is a huge setback. The US team “The Guard” is considered a fan favorite. In 2023 you earned promotion to the 1st division. But the players of the team have on 29.8. learned to their horror through Twitter that the ascent will not work.

What’s going on at Valorant?

  • With Overwatch on its knees and Fortnite doing little, Valorant is considered “the next hot e-sports title” that could catch up with CS:GO, LoL or DOTA 2. Especially since Riot Games has gained a lot of experience through League of Legends. Both Elon Musk and Ben Affleck are fans.
  • The highest US league, the VCT America League, was supposed to get an 11th member in 2024: The team “The Guard” had qualified for the 1st league in the course of 2023. You’ve earned “Ascension” in tournaments in the challenger scene.
  • But to the shock of the fans, Riot Games has now announced: The team will not be promoted. No other team is moving up either: the league remains at 10 teams.
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    Team failed to sign agreement in 7 months

    Why isn’t The Guard allowed to level up? As Riot Games announced, “after seven months and numerous rounds of communication,” the team failed to meet the deadline to agree to certain agreements.

    Therefore, The Guard will not play in the 1st league in 2024 and no other team will be promoted.

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    Players learn about it from Twitter and are bitterly disappointed

    What’s the reaction? The team’s players are shocked, they didn’t know that their situation was so bad.

    Players say they are devastated. All the hard work and hardship was for nothing. It hits them particularly hard because they had no say in the decision.

    Just an hour after Riot Games’ announcement, players shared their thoughts, also via Twitter:

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    As dotesports reports, members of Team Riot Games are begging to give them a chance. But they seem to be staying strong.

    The organization also seems rather helpless (via twitter): The judgment of Riot Games is “disappointing and unexpected” it says. That sounds strange, if no contract has been signed for 7 months, there seems to have been serious problems.

    A meteoric rise of a team was brutally stopped. Players seem to be looking for new teams right now.

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    There is hope: Influencer and esports defunct Disguised Toast has offered to sign players to get them the spot they deserve. Whether the man is serious and can afford it is another matter. Disguised Toast is known for betraying anything and everyone for a good PR campaign.

    Valorant is currently actually on the trigger. The tactical shooter has just made its spectacular release in China. With Tencent, one of the most powerful gaming companies in the world is behind Riot Games and Valorant:

    Riot Games was unlucky at first, is now the big winner of the Activision Blizzard and Overwatch crisis
