Read about the three most important events of the night in Ukraine, which has been under extensive Russian attack for a week

Read about the three most important events of the night

Ukrainian authorities have confirmed that Russian troops have taken over the city of Kherson. The battle for the city began a week ago. The UN refugee agency says a million people have already fled the war in Ukraine.

For this story, we compiled three key events last night related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The fighting for the cities continued

In the Ukrainian capital Kiev has been heard at night several violent explosions. Airborne sirens have also sounded in the city. The explosions took place in the city center and near a subway station used as a bomb shelter.

Kherson in southern Ukraine is under Russian control, Ukrainian authorities now confirm. Kherson is the first important city that Ukraine has lost control of.

Mayor of Kherson Ihor Kolyhaijevi said he had asked Russian soldiers not to shoot civilians and allowed people to collect bodies from the streets.

According to Kolyhaiev, the Russians had announced that they intended to establish a regime in Kherson similar to that in the separatist regions of eastern Ukraine in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Already a million fled Ukraine

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says a million people have fled Ukraine in a week. That means more than two percent of Ukraine’s population. Mass exodus has been unprecedented in its speed in this century. Most Ukrainians have fled to neighboring countries.

Ukraine has time to lay down its arms so that vital humanitarian aid can be distributed, UNHCR Filippo Grandi tweeted.

The United States is working to reduce the amount of oil imported from Russia

The President of the United States Joe Biden the administration says it is considering ways to reduce the amount of oil it buys from Russia.

According to the White House National Security Representative, the solution is aimed at punishing Russia for its hostilities in Ukraine.

“We are reviewing ways to reduce the use of Russian oil in the United States so that the global energy supply remains unchanged,” said the White House’s assistant adviser. Daleep Singh In an interview with CNN.

According to Singh, oil purchased from Russia can be replaced by oil purchased from other oil-producing countries.

Russia is the world’s third largest oil producer.
