Reactions after Mats Löfving’s death

Reactions after Mats Lofvings death

Published: Less than 40 min ago

Stockholm regional police chief Mats Löfving has been found dead in his home.

A message that takes a toll on friends and colleagues.

“My thoughts go out to his relatives,” says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer to Aftonbladet

At 7 pm on Wednesday evening, the police were called to Mats Löfving’s home in Norrköping.

On the spot, it was found that the 61-year-old police chief was dead.

Now the reactions are pouring in from friends and colleagues.

“It is with sadness that I have received the tragic news that Stockholm’s regional police chief Mats Löfving has passed away. My thoughts go out to his relatives and colleagues,” writes Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer in a text message to Aftonbladet.

full screen Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M). Photo: FERNVALL LOTTE

The president of the police union, Katharina von Sydow, reacts strongly after the announcement.

“It is with great sadness that I have heard the news that Mats Löfving has passed away. My thoughts go out to his relatives, friends and colleagues,” she writes on Twitter.

S-women’s chairman Annika Strandhäll:

“So incredibly sad and unnecessary. We are all only human,” she writes on Twitter.

Liberal party leader Johan Pehrson responds to police tweeter YB Södermalm’s tweet that the incident is “deeply tragic” and “extremely difficult for Löfving’s relatives”.

“Really. Tragic,” writes the L leader.
