re-election assured? What result in the legislative elections?

re election assured What result in the legislative elections

Member of Parliament for the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais since 2017, Marine Le Pen wishes to be re-elected during these early legislative elections. What expected result?

This Sunday, as voters go to the polling stations, Marine Le Pen hopes to see her party take the advantage in the first round of these early legislative elections. The leader of the National Rally Assembly has high hopes for this election, especially after her party’s success in the European elections: “June 30 could be the second wave of the tsunami. The first is strong, the second takes everything away” , does she want to believe as she affirmed to the daily The world.

Marine Le Pen wants as many RN candidates as possible to be directly elected or reach the second round. She remains convinced that her party can obtain an absolute majority at the end of these elections even if the polls published before the reserve period of midnight Friday June 28 predicted that it would be rather relative. They have, in fact, counted more on a victory for the RN with more than 30% of voting intentions, knowing that these estimates reflect trends observed at a specific moment. The left union was given only a few points behind, oscillating between 25 and 30%. The presidential majority remained behind, hovering around 20% of voting intentions.

“I think we are going to have an absolute majority. The polls are not reliable because, two years ago, we were given between five and 40 deputies (the RN obtained 89). The last time, it was the low participation which prevented me from being elected in the first round This time, with the participation which is expected, we can have 10 to 15 elected in the first round and there could be more than 300 triangulars”, said. she explained to Telegram. For Marine Le Pen it is also a sine qua non condition for governing because without it the party “could not pass a single measure” and “would have a motion of censure within 48 hours”. If this were to be the case, Marine Le Pen also believes that Emmanuel Macron should resign: “the latter will not have a majority and will face blockages from the institutions and the Constitution does not allow any other possibility than resignation” , she assured on RTL June 25.

In the event of a victory for the RN in terms of the number of elected representatives, Marine Le Pen wishes to “remain at the head of the majority group and be a support for the Prime Minister”, as she reaffirmed on RTLTuesday, June 25. A role that would suit her well, assuring that she will “absolutely not be under the authority” of Jordan Bardella but that “the fact that the president of the group and the Prime Minister are extremely close politically is rather good news,” she told the newspaper. The world. She also wants to keep time to prepare for the 2027 presidential election: “Being a minister does not allow me to continue working on my presidential stature.”

What result for Marine Le Pen in the legislative elections?

Marine Le Pen also has another important goal: to be re-elected. in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, around Hénin-Beaumont-Carvin. Facing her are several adversaries, first and foremost the PS national secretary in charge of disability, Samira Laal, for the New Popular Front. She could prove to be a strong opponent, even if she is much less identified than her replacement Marine Tondelier. The lawyer Geoffrey Fournier, delegate of Eric Zemmour’s party in Pas-de-Calais, is also there. In 2022, there was no Reconquest candidate. Also in the race are Dorian Lamy, UDI candidate attached to the presidential majority, Michel Lanoy, 59, representing LR/Oser la France, the ex-LFI Gautier Weinmann for the Sovereign Republic and finally Dominique Gai for Lutte Ouvrière.

Marine Le Pen is seen as the favorite since she is already well established in the department. In 2022, during the last legislative elections, she was elected with 61.03% of the votes in her constituency, during the second round against the ecologist Marine Tondelier, who obtained 38.97%. The MP even almost passed the first round with 53.96% of the votes but was prevented from doing so by the technical threshold necessary for the validation of the election in the first round. She has retained this position since 2017, when she obtained 58.60% of the votes cast in the second round.

The RN list also largely dominated the European elections with 61% of the votes. A completely exceptional score which demonstrates that the constituency is now an electoral stronghold of the National Rally.
