re-elected in the 2024 legislative elections? What expected result?

re elected in the 2024 legislative elections What expected result

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is running for re-election in the 8th constituency of Essonne. The boss of Debout La France supports the alliance between the RN and Eric Ciotti in the legislative elections.

Will Nicolas Dupont-Aignan win the legislative elections in Essonne? The outgoing deputy is a candidate for re-election in the 8th constituency of the Ile-de-France department. The boss of Debout La France “had to withdraw 477 candidates” as part of his support for the alliance between the National Rally and the branch of LR which followed Eric Ciotti. In exchange, Jordan Bardella’s party did not place a candidate against him in this constituency. On the other hand, the historic branch of LR has invested the president of the departmental council of Essonne, François Durovray.

The RN in the lead in the Dupont-Aignan constituency

The outgoing MP still remains the favorite in the legislative election in his constituency: two years ago, he easily won the vote in the second round, collecting 57.26% of the votes against the Nupes candidate. During the European elections, the territory largely supported the RN: Jordan Bardella’s list collected 24.66% of the votes, far ahead of those of La France insoumise (16.41%) and the PS (14.31%). Renaissance scored 13.81%, LR 7.11%.

It should be noted, however, that the left-wing parties, now united in the New Popular Front, all together obtained 38.82% on June 9. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s main opponent in these legislative elections could therefore be Bérenger Cernon, the railway unionist invested by La France insoumise under the banner of the New Popular Front.

RN and left neck and neck in the polls

What do the polls say? At the country level, the National Rally is given the lead in voting intentions in the legislative elections: according to the Ifop barometer of June 17 for the JDD, 33% of those questioned plan to vote for Jordan Bardella’s party in the first round, against 28 % for the New Popular Front, which takes second place. In the second round, the projections for the number of seats in the National Assembly are tight: according to the Cluster17 survey of June 14, the RN would obtain between 195 and 245 deputies, while the New Popular Front would have between 190 and 235.
