(RE-BROADCAST) – Literature: Tanguy Viel publishes a novel on the influence seen from the inside

RE BROADCAST Literature Tanguy Viel publishes a novel on the

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, author Tanguy Viel publishes “The girl we call”.

A novel about influence, domination and consent.

Guest: Tanguy VielI, French author. His latest novel ” The girl we call »Appeared in Midnight Editions.

And the chronicle of Déborah Gros “C’est la classe!”

Déborah Gros, project manager at RFI Knowledge, presents the column “C’est la classe” on the writing residency “10 sur 10”. 10 French-speaking authors, gathered in Zabrze in Poland, wrote 10 plays intended for learners and teachers of French.

Discover the project 10 out of 10 and the “theater” report on RFI Savoirs.

