Rawa Majid arrested in Iran

Rawa Majid has been arrested in Iran, according to information SVT.
– We have such intelligence information, but I cannot confirm that it is true, says Ulf Kristersson (M) to TV4 Nyheterna.

The arrest must have taken place on Friday when the gang leader crossed the border into Iran, the channel states. The information comes from several sources with close insight into the Foxtrot network, but neither the police nor the Foreign Ministry can confirm this.

“The Foreign Ministry and the embassy currently have no knowledge that a Swedish citizen has been detained in Iran in recent days,” the ministry writes to SVT.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson confirms to TV4 Nyheterna that he has received “such intelligence information” but that he cannot confirm that it is true.

“Can calm down the conflict”

According to SVT’s crime reporter Diamant Salihu, the arrest could mean a severe weakening of the Foxtrot network.

– The people who are allied with him and stand by his side will no longer have protection in the same way. There are hopes that this can calm down the conflict and the attacks on family members, but whether it really happens, we’ll see, he says.

According to information to SVT, Rawa Majid must have been arrested in connection with some form of traffic control. It may be that he provided false ID documents.

Known as the “Kurdish Fox”

37-year-old Rawa Majid is also known by the nickname “Kurdish Fox” and is the leader of the notorious Foxtrot network.

Several of the recent acts of violence around the country can be linked to an internal conflict within the network. Rawa Majid and his former right-hand man Ismail Abdo, also known as “The Strawberry Man”, are on two different sides in the conflict and several serious acts of violence have been directed at their relatives.

For some time now, the Foxtrot network has been controlled from Turkey, where Majid resided. He is detained in his absence for several crimes and is internationally wanted.

The drug and the war

The gang war around Rawa Majid, the “Kurdish Fox”, is raging. Children kill and are killed. TV4 News tells the story of the crimes and innocent victims.
