Raw or cooked: which is healthier?

Raw or cooked what is healthier

Eating fruits and vegetables raw or cooked is not just a matter of taste. The nutritional profile of the same food varies according to its method of preparation. Vitamin content, digestibility, dietician-nutritionist Raphaël Gruman tells you all about the advantages and disadvantages of the two modes of consumption.

Take advantage of vitamin C

Vitamin, are you there? In terms of micronutrients, one of the main differences between a cooked or raw vegetable or fruit is its vitamin C content (immunity support, anti-fatigue, antioxidant, etc.). “It is very sensitive to cooking, points out Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist. Which is not the case for other vitamins, such as beta-carotene for example.” For a fruit or vegetable to be at the top of its vitamin C content, it is not enough to consume it raw. It must also be extra fresh (no long stay in the refrigerator, before or after purchase) and tasted very quickly after being prepared (grated, peeled, squeezed…). Finally, not all raw fruits and vegetables are vitamin C champions either, even if they have other advantages.

On the same subject

Fiber is digested

Consumed raw, fruits and vegetables have a higher insoluble fiber content. The latter act in concert with soluble fibers to support intestinal transit. To us, the flat stomach? Not necessarily. Because raw vegetables can be poorly tolerated in case of intestinal sensitivity or irritable bowel, and cause abdominal cramps, bloating, even diarrhea. Cooking can then have a real interest. “It acts on insoluble fibers by softening them, which makes them easier to digest”, specifies our expert. However, it is still possible to adapt one’s (non-pathological) sensitivity to insoluble fibre, by very gradually increasing the quantity of raw vegetables on the plate and at the same time promoting the consumption of probiotic foods (yogurt, etc.). These make it possible to rebalance the intestinal flora in order to hope in the long term for better digestion of the fibres.

Tomatoes: raw or cooked?

The raw tomato is more hydrating than the cooked tomato, from which a large part of the water evaporated during its cooking. For an equal portion, it is thus less caloric. Raw, the tomato also contains a little vitamin C.

The cooked tomato contains lycopene, an antioxidant molecule potentiated by heat: cooking makes it bioavailable, that is to say assimilable by the body. This carotenoid helps to fight against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging and also intervenes in the prevention of certain cancers (female, in particular). The skin of the tomato can be indigestible, it is best to remove it before cooking (after boiling then cooling the tomato).

>> Discover 15 recipes with tomatoes

Peppers: raw or cooked?

Crus: unlike green peppers, red and yellow peppers are very high in vitamin C, a heat-sensitive vitamin. If you want to enjoy them, it is better to eat them raw.

Cooked : it is possible to gain in digestibility by roasting the peppers in the oven in order to remove their skin and soften their fibres. Peppers will be less rich in vitamin C than eaten raw, but will retain their beta-carotene content, an interesting vitamin for our skin”

>> Discover 9 recipes with peppers

Carrots: raw or cooked?

Floods : for vegetables rich in carbohydrates – such as carrots or beets -, the notion of glycemic index must be taken into account. It is lower when these foods are eaten raw. Consumed raw, the carrot also has a higher power of satiety.

Cooked: the soluble fibers of cooked carrots are softer. They have an ability to absorb water which is interesting in the event of an episode of diarrhea (gastroenteritis, turista).

>> Discover 15 carrot recipes

Stone fruits: raw or cooked?

Crus : to take advantage of their water content, peaches, apricots or even plums are eaten raw. They are eaten as they are or cut into quarters, with a hint of cinnamon, in yogurt or on fromage blanc.

Cooked: cooking destroys the vitamin C contained in these fruits, but it also partially degrades the fibers, which allows better digestion when one is sensitive or prone to bloating.

>> Discover 12 recipes with plums and Mirabelle plums

Berries: raw or cooked?

Floods: blueberries, currants, blackcurrants, raspberries, display a good content of antioxidant vitamin C. It is interesting to eat them raw, to enjoy them. They are eaten as they are or slightly crushed, on a Greek or soy yogurt, or with fresh goat cheese.

Cooked : cooking reduces the acidity of these fruits. It is an interesting option if one suffers from sour stomach. The antioxidant power of anthocyanins (pigments contained in the skin of blackcurrants and blueberries in particular) is not affected by cooking.

>> Discover 9 blueberry antioxidant recipes

Green beans and eggplant: we never eat them raw

“In the raw state, beans and eggplant contain a molecule that is toxic to the liver, warns our expert. Cooking inactivates it and thus makes these vegetables edible.” The more the beans are cooked, the more their fibers are softened and digestible… but lose in taste. Tapered and cooked “al dente”: a good compromise. The eggplant will be easier to digest without its skin. The latter nevertheless contains antioxidant pigments, which it would be a shame to deprive yourself of. Adapt its preparation to your intestinal sensitivity.

Our expert: Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.



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