Ravintsara: the anti-flu essential oil?

Ravintsara the anti flu essential oil

Ravintsara essential oil is interesting against sore throat, wet cough, colds, sinusitis but also the flu! Here’s how to use it in inhalation, on the skin… and what precautions to take.

[Mise à jour le 6 janvier 2023 à 14h35] From essential oils to have at home in winter, that of ravintsara is unavoidable. In diffusion to purify the air, in inhalation to unblock the nose or against the flu, it has many health benefits. Here is how to use it and the precautions to be respected because essential oils are never harmless.

Definition and origins of ravintsara

The ravintsara or ravintsare, should not be confused with ravensara. Ravintsara is a camphor tree native to China has been established on the island of Madagascar for several centuries. It entered the traditional Malagasy pharmacopoeia and baptized ravintsara “leaf good for everything” for its multiple medicinal uses. Its cultivation and acclimatization to Malagasy soil have since modified its chemical composition. Its high camphor content gave way to 1.8 cineole, which is none other than eucalyptol. It is still widely used for fight against viral diseasessome respiratory disorders or like muscle relaxant. It produces an essential oil the fresh and intense smell, with spicy notes similar with camphor.

Latin name for ravintsara

Ravintsara is called in Latin Cinnamomum camphora cineoliferum.

What are the benefits of ravintsara?

Ravintsara essential oil is an oil particularly recommended for:

  • a cold
  • bronchitis
  • sinusitis
  • otitis
  • influenza
  • The warts
  • fatigue (physical, muscular)*

Cold, runny nose but also bronchitis, sinusitis and otitis: “These frequent troubles in winter take good advantage anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, expectorant properties ravintsara essential oil“, details Amélie Mounier, naturopath.

► In inhalation: 5 drops of ravintsara EO in a bowl of steaming water, to breathe with your head tilted overhead, under a towel, eyes closed, for 1 to 10 minutes, three times a day.

► On the skin in case of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and oily cough : Dilute 3-4 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil of your choice and apply or massage along the spine and arches. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

► Or orally: 1 to 2 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of honey or on a neutral tablet orally, 3 times a day in case of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, wet cough. Not more than 5 days in a row, warns the naturopath, and if the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

anti viral properties of ravintsara essential oil were highlighted by Dr Anne-Marie Giraud-Robert in 2005 in the management of viral hepatitis in particular. HE acts by reducing inflammatory activity in the ENT sphere, thus boosting resistance to viruses. It also helps to fight against physical fatigue caused by the flu: The neurotonic, rebalancing properties of the nervous system of the HE of ravintsara are appropriate in case of physical, mental and during recovery.

► On the skin if there are cold symptoms, a wet cough : Dilute 3-4 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil of your choice and apply or massage along the spine and arches. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

► Against fatigue : “Ravintsara EO can be used in olfaction (breathing directly from the bottle), in massage (apply 2-3 drops in a little vegetable oil on the solar plexus) or in diffusionsays the naturopath. 15 drops of ravintsara EO in the diffuser, for 10 to 20 minutes make it possible to clean the air inside the dwelling and fight against the spread of winter viruses.

► In prevention; in the morning before going out, apply 1 to 2 drops of ravintsara EO pure or diluted in a little vegetable oil on the inner hollow of the wristsrub them against each other and then take a deep breath. Only for adults and children over 12 years old.

Use of ravintsara essential oil in inhalation

5 drops of ravintsara EO in a bowl of steaming water, to breathe with your head tilted above, under a towel, eyes closed, for 1 to 10 minutes, three times a day, in case of sinusitis or runny nose and from the first symptoms.

Use of ravintsara essential oil in diffusion

15 drops of ravintsara EO in the diffuser, for 10 to 20 minutes, help clean the air inside the home and fight against the spread of winter viruses. But “attention the diffusion of essential oil is not done never in the direct presence of children, pregnant women or animals. You must also always ventilate the room well afterwards, for about 10 minuteswarns the naturopath.

Use on the skin

  • Dilute 3-4 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil of your choice and apply or massage along the spine and arches. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day in case of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and wet cough.
  • Prevention during cold periodsin the morning before going out, apply 1 to 2 drops of HE ravintsara pure or diluted in a little vegetable oil on the inner hollow of the wristsrub them against each other and then take a deep breath. Only for adults and children over 12 years old.

Internal use (to swallow)

1 to 2 drops of ravintsara EO in 1 teaspoon of honey or on a neutral tablet orally, 3 times a day in case of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, wet cough. Not more than 5 days in a row, warns the naturopath, and if the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

From what age can ravintsara be used?

Ravintsara essential oil is contraindicated in children under 3 years old. From this age, it can be used, unless the child is sensitive to essential oils rich in eucalyptol. In all cases, be sure to observe the precautions for use and seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist.

Use during pregnancy, lactation

Ravintsara essential oil is not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy, and during breastfeeding without medical advice.

Use in babies and children

Before the age of 12, Ravintsara essential oil should not be inhaled or instilled into the nose, or taken orally. The use of ravintsara essential oil is not recommended for children under 3 years old, except on medical advice.

Precautions for use

Prefer cutaneous use or by diffusion and inhalation, rather than the oral route. Interaction is possible with medications. It is advisable to keep the use of ravintsara essential oil away from taking medication.

Danger of Ravintsara

The people with asthma, epileptics with fragile eyes (easily irritated, dry cornea) should avoid using ravintsara essential oil in diffusion and inhalation.

Ravintsara contraindications

The toxicity of ravintsara essential oil remains quite low and is often well tolerated by most people, indicates the naturopath.

  • Contraindicated for children over 3 years old with a history of epilepsy or seizures.
  • Not recommended for children under 3 years old. Prefer rosewood essential oil, which is softer and suitable even for toddlers.
  • Caution in people on immunosuppressants.

Thanks to Amélie Mounier, certified FENA naturopath, in Vincennes.
