RATP strike: “Zero transport” for the CGT this Thursday, January 19

RATP strike Zero transport for the CGT this Thursday January

STRIKE RATP. The RATP unions are joining the national mobilization on Thursday January 19, 2023 against the pension reform. Metro, RER, trams or Parisian buses risk major disruptions. What we know so far.

[Mis à jour le 13 janvier 2023 à 17h08] Thursday January 19, 2023 will be a day of national mobilization against the pension reform and the transport sector risks experiencing major disruptions. The RATP unions (CGT, FO, Unsa and CFE-CGC) have announced that they were “ready” to follow this general strike movement, joining the discontent of the inter-union of the SNCF which says it is ready for “a powerful strike”. “We expect a strong mobilization of employees. Our goal is to achieve ‘zero transport’ but we don’t know if we will get there.“, has already announced the CGT-RATP to our colleagues from Figaro.

You should know that the CGT-RATP represents 35% of the employees of the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens and that the other RATP unions (FO, Unsa and CFE-CGC) are joining the movement. The inter-union has indeed made it known that they were ready to defend the 40,000 employees concerned, who have so far been subject to a special pension plan. Should we expect a revival of the slow strikes of 2019 which had blocked the French rails for almost two months? “I cannot know what the impact of this social movement will be. We will be able to assess the impact on the service from Tuesday [17 janvier]”said RATP CEO Jean Castex on Friday.

How to know the disruptions of the RATP on Thursday January 19, 2023?

The traffic disruptions of the strike on Thursday January 19 have not yet been announced to the RATP and they will be between 24 and 48 hours before. To know the traffic status of the metro, RER, bus, tram in real time on Thursday January 19, 2023 (with the stations possibly closed), you will have to consult theRATP traffic information. For the RER, you can also follow the Twitter accounts @RERA, @RERB, @RERC, @RERD Where @RERE. To follow the traffic of the suburban trains (transiliens or RER) in real time, it will be necessary to consult the site of the Transilien.
