RATP strike: what disruptions this Friday, March 25?

RATP strike what disruptions this Friday March 25

STRIKE RATP. This Friday, March 25, 2022, traffic disruptions are expected in the metros, RER A, RER B, buses and trams managed by the RATP in Paris, due to a call for an indefinite strike to demand a salary increase.

[Mis à jour le 22 mars 2022 à 12h37] This Friday, March 25, 2022 should be a dark day for users of the Paris metro, which transports 7 million people a day. Indeed, all the trade unions (CGT-RATP, FO-RATP, Solidaires RATP, UNSA RATP, CFE-CGC Groupe RATP, La Base groupe RATP and CGT RATP) have called for a strike. for “follow up on the strong mobilization of RATP agents on February 18 for salary increases, in the absence of a satisfactory response from management”, announces the site for social movements Balance of power.

Expect closed stations and only rush hour subways. Only automatic lines 1 and 14 will probably run normally, but beware of the risk of saturation. On the side of the RER, only the RER A and B should be affected by disturbances because the RER C, D and E, are managed by the SNCF, therefore not affected by this strike. Bus and tram traffic should also be disrupted (except T4 and T11 managed by the SNCF) because, at the call of several unions, RATP bus and tram agents also went on strike this Friday, March 25, 2022 for another reason: the consequence of opening up to competition.

VSThis strike of March 25 could be unlimited, specifies the FO-Groupe RATP union, majority among metro drivers, in a communicated : “Without major inflection of the company, March 25 will mark the beginning of a long and hard action for the public service”. “The form that the movement should take and the question of an indefinite strike will be discussed in the coming weeks with the employees and not decreed by the trade unions beforehand”, had warned however the general secretary of the CGT-RATP.

The unions continue to demand a salary increase and believe that they have not won their case since February 18, the day of their previous mobilization, but also the first day of the annual salary negotiations within the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens. “Discussions are at a standstill. Management is irresponsible,” they lamented on February 18 after discussions with management. “Following the day of the 18th, when there were a lot of strikers, the management did not review its proposal”, had commented the metro driver of line 5 and member of the FO-RATP union Bastien Berthier, with of BFM Paris. “We are revolted by the contempt, all the unions agree. Today, that leaves management a month to review its copy and receive us”.

The trade unions dispute, with regard to inflation, a proposal for a salary increase from the management which is much too low, amounting to 0.4%. Ia CGT has demanded a 3% increase per year over the next 3 years. “The purchasing power of employees has melted in 10 years” protested Arole Lamasse, secretary general of UNSA-RATP, to Le Figaro. “Now, we see young recruits leaving after three months because they will earn more at McDonald’s”… For its part, the management of the RATP specified that the annual negotiations were “finished”.

Friday, February 18, the representative of the SUD Rail union Fabien Villedieu had declared at the microphone of RMC that the strikes would stop “from the moment we listen to the employees”. “There is a cold anger that is rising”, he added about “all the employees who were called second line employees, who were applauded a little in 2020, who were almost considered as heroes and who today feel like zeros”.

This Friday, March 25, 2022, “the entire Paris transport network should be shut down by the double mobilization of RATP agents. Indeed, the strike still promises to be very strong in the metro part of the RATP and could become so among bus and tram drivers”. Disruptions will be announced at least 48 hours in advance here. Stay connected!

RATP strike: where to consult real-time traffic forecasts?

Several tools are available on the Web to find out about upcoming traffic disruptions. To know the state of RATP traffic (metro, RER, bus, tram in real time), consult this page. For the RER, you can also follow the Twitter accounts @RERA, @RERB, @RERC, @RERD Where @RERE. To monitor train traffic in real time, visit the Transilien.
