RATP strike: the strike renewed on Saturday February 11? What is planned

RATP strike the strike renewed on Saturday February 11 What

STRIKE RATP. After another day of mobilization, the RATP strike will not be on the agenda on Wednesday February 8. On the other hand, disruptions are expected on Saturday February 11, 2023.

[Mis à jour le 8 février 2023 à 00h01] To demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the pension reform project desired by the government, which clearly threatens the special pension scheme of some 40,000 RATP employees, i.e. 93% of the workforce, the mobilization was once again rather followed this Tuesday, February 7 at the Autonomous Paris Transport Authority. However, unlike the SNCF, there will be no continuation of the RATP strike this Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

While the CGT-Cheminots and SUD-Rail unions of the SNCF are calling for mobilization on Wednesday, on the side of the RATP unions, we prefer to concentrate efforts on the day of Saturday February 11, 2023. For the time being, few information concerning mobilization among RER, metro, bus or tram drivers has reached us. Generally, disturbances are only known 48 hours before the RATP strike day. More details should therefore be communicated on Thursday or even Friday. Note that on February 11, the inter-union calls for a national and interprofessional mobilization. The choice of Saturday is, moreover, not insignificant. The idea is to allow people, who also oppose the pension reform, but cannot financially strike on weekdays, to also mobilize. A bet of the unions which should particularly hold the attention of the government.

RATP strike: where to consult traffic forecasts?

Several tools are available on the Web to find out about upcoming traffic disruptions. To know the state of RATP traffic (metro, RER, bus, tram in real time), consult this page. For the RER, you can also follow the Twitter accounts @RERA, @RERB, @RERC, @RERD Or @RERE. To monitor train traffic in real time, visit the Transilien.
