The RATP announced on Monday February 20 its intention to recruit 6,600 people in Ile-de-France in 2023 with a view to the 2023 Rugby World Cup and the 2024 Olympic Games, including 4,900 on permanent contracts, a record for the public establishment. . This recruitment campaign, described as ” unprecedented by the RATP includes the hiring of 2,700 bus drivers, nearly double last year, 400 metro drivers and 700 station and station agents. Other sectors under pressure are particularly affected, such as maintenance, with 400 vacancies. The RATP network found itself in great pain over the last four months of 2022 with one bus in four not running and between 10 and 20% of the metro offer not carried out. A year and a half before the opening of the Olympic Games and while transport will be a crucial issue for the smooth running of the competition, the RATP wants to ” ensure the expected offer on the networks and prepare for major events to come “.
RATP launches “unprecedented” recruitment campaign