Rather than using line clips, reuse the caps from your milk or fruit juice cartons to hermetically seal your food bags. It’s simple, healthy, ecological and economical!

Rather than using line clips reuse the caps from your

Rather than using line clips, reuse the caps from your milk or fruit juice cartons to hermetically seal your food bags. It’s simple, healthy, ecological and economical!

You are probably in the habit of throwing away cartons of milk or fruit juice after use without thinking twice. But did you know that these screw caps can be reused in ingenious ways to seal your food bags? A simple tip, shared on social media, is revolutionizing the way we store our food.

Imagine: you have an open bag of pasta, rice or cereal. Usually you grab a clothespin to close it. But there is an even more effective and sustainable alternative, straight from your empty milk cartons. This clever technique involves using the stopper and its ring to create an airtight seal.

To do this, when you have finished your milk carton, remove the cap and cut the upper part of the carton around the cap. You only need this part, so don’t worry about keeping the rest of the brick. Next, take your opened food bag and pass the opening of the bag through the ring you collected. Stretch the plastic bag tightly around the ring so that it is secure. Once the ring is correctly positioned, fold the edges of the bag outward, like a crown, around the ring. Finally, screw the cap back onto the ring. There you go, your bag is hermetically sealed!

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This method has several advantages. First of all, it is extremely economical. You reuse items that you already have at home and that you would probably have thrown away. Then, it is ecological, because it gives a second life to materials which would otherwise end up in the trash. Additionally, the cap provides a better seal than the clothespin, as it prevents air from entering, helping to keep food fresh for longer. And you can use this technique by reusing plastic bottle caps, even if the cutting is a little more difficult.

You can use this technique for a wide variety of bags, whether for snacks, frozen vegetables or even dry foods like cereal, rice and dried fruit. It’s also a perfect tip for taking your snacks with you when you go out without risking spilling them in your bag. In addition to its practicality, this tip is also fun. It allows you to show your children a simple and fun way to recycle and to understand the importance of giving objects a second life. You can even make it a family activity: collect the corks, cut out the bricks and seal the bags together.

The next time you finish a carton of milk, remember to keep the cap and its ring. With a simple gesture, you can transform waste into a useful tool, reducing your ecological footprint while making your daily life easier. No more misplaced clothespins and foods that lose their freshness, make way for screw caps and their new usefulness!
