Rasmus Nerman’s luxurious salary – that’s how much Apoteket’s CEO earns

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Rasmus Nerman, 45, assumed the role of manager of one of Sweden’s largest pharmacies this year. He succeeded Ann Carlsson who left Apoteket after eleven years in his position.

Nerman most recently came from the CEO position at the care company Humana, where he sat in the executive chair for eight years, of which six years as CEO and CEO. Rasmus Nerman also has a background as an economist.

Business is going well to say the least when The pharmacy reported for the second quarter of the year, a profit before tax of SEK 138 million. This can be compared with the profit of SEK 123 million during the corresponding period last year.

Profitable to be in the pharmaceutical industry

It has been shown that being CEO of a large chain like Apoteket is good for the wallet.

According to information from Tax Agency as News24 took note of, Apoteket’s CEO had earned income of SEK 5,015,313 in 2020, which gives a monthly salary of SEK 417,942.

In addition to the income, he also had a capital deficit of SEK 124,665. Nerman is also active in ten companies – the majority with connections to pharmacy and health, according to All firms.
