Rasmus Dahlin’s powerful tackle last night – brought out his inner Niklas Kronwall and is now widely praised: “Epic”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Swedish meeting between Buffalo Sabers and San Jose Sharks.
Then Rasmus Dahlin took the opportunity to bring out his inner Niklas Kronwall.
The tackle on Matt Nieto was absolutely brilliant – and now the Swede is being praised greatly.

Rasmus Dahlin and his Buffalo Sabers took on the San Jose Sharks on Monday night, among others Erik Karlsson in the team. The two Swedes have started each season brilliantly on a personal level, with Karlsson currently leading the backs’ scoring with his 34 points. Close behind is Rasmus Dahlin who accounted for 29 points.

The scoring continues

In the meeting of the night, there were new points for both Swedes. Buffalo defeated San Jose 6–3 on home ice, and Dahlin and Karlsson each had an assist. Also Swedish Victor Olofsson accounted for an assist.

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But despite the score and the victory, Rasmus Dahlin will probably remember the match for another reason. In the middle of the second period with the score 3–2 to Buffalo, the San Jose forward came Matt Nieto in a transition mode in search of an equalizing goal.

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Praised for the rock-hard tackle

But there it would stop – and seriously. Rasmus Dahlin stepped up and put in a neat tackle on Nieto, who was on the ice, and the Swedish defender made the home crowd cheer loudly. The tackle was also not completely different from one that Niklas Kronwall could sometimes pitch in when it went to the Detroit Red Wings.

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PHOTO: Screenshot/Twitter

Now Dahlin is widely praised on social media.
“It’s an epic tackle,” writes one user.
“It doesn’t feel so strange to say that that is Buffalo’s best player”, says another”.
“Important to keep your head and eyes up as a forward,” writes a third.

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