rapper Timal sentenced for cruelty to his dog

rapper Timal sentenced for cruelty to his dog

The rapper Timal appeared Thursday, September 1 before the court of Meaux. The 25-year-old was found guilty of cruelty to a domestic animal. He was ordered to pay a fine of 6,000 euros.

The video is shocking. Rapper Timal kicks his dog in the head. The animal is lying quietly in its basket. A punishment that the rapper says he inflicted on the animal, because he urinated on the floor of the apartment. He took the time to film himself and then posted this violent scene on social networks. The video went viral.

The 30 million friends foundation and the Animal Protection Action association immediately filed a complaint for animal abuse.

Timal was arrested at his home in Île-de-France. The rapper could have been sentenced to a heavier sentence if he had not recognized the facts and immediately paid the 6,000 euro fine.

However, he was banned from keeping animals for five years. His frightened but uninjured dog was taken from him and placed in foster care.

This case involving Timal, recently noticed for his collaboration with the famous rapper Booba, is reminiscent of another.

Footballer Kurt Zouma had been sentenced to 180 hours of community service by the British courts after being filmed hitting his cat.
