Businesses in Many Industries are turn to automation, Advanced Technology and Ai As Ways to Boost Productivity, Innovate, Remain Competitive and Survive and Thrive, Says the Head of the WorkForce Planning Board of Grand Erie.

Rapid Technological Change, Including the Spread of AI, is Causing Job Uncertainty and Fear for Some Local Workers, but it’s also creating new opportunities, Says a New Report.
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Preparing for a Technological Future is the Title of this Year’s Report on the Local Labour Market from the WorkForce Planning of Grand Erie, Published with support from the Ontario Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
The Local Labour Market Plan is based on data, Information and input from the Six Communities The Planning Board Serves: Brantford, Six Nations of the Grand River, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk Couties.
The Report Highlights The Need for Businesses, Workers and Communities to Work Together to Ensure The WorkForce of TODAY – AND TOMORROW – have the skills needed to be successful.
“Preparing for a Technological Future Explores The Opportunity for Individuals, Organizations and Businesses to Cultivate Resilience and Collaborate in Order to Navigate The Complexies of A Technology-Driven World,” Said Danette Dalton, The Planning Board’s Executive Director, in a news Release.
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Dalton Said Businesses in Many Industries are turn to automation, Advanced Technology and Ai As Ways to Boost Productivity, Innovate, Remain Competitive and Survive and Thrive.
“The good news is that turn to automation do not requirement mean fewer jobs overall, but it often leads to the transformation of job types, Particularly in Creating More Skilled Jobs,” She Said.
“While Some Low-Skill, Repetitive Tasks May Be automated, Automation Generally Shifts The Nature of Work Toward Jobs that requires more technical expertise, problem solving and creativity.
Dalton Said This Shift Reinforces The Need For Workers to Gain Skills. People who are working should be encouraged and supported by their employers to upgrade or learn new skills. People not currently working need help to develop skills in line with the technological needs of employers.
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And youth need to Learn Skills before they enter the workforce, Said Dalton, who Toutd Ontario’s New High School Technology Credit Requirements. Sale Last September, Students Entering Grade 9 Are required to earn a Technology Credit in Either grade 9 or 10 in order to graduate.
“New Workforce entrants, Particularly Those Without Post-Seconding Training, Are Finding Themselves at a loss on How to Navigate the Local WorkForce Amidst Rapid Developments in the Use of Advanced Technologies Within Workplaces,” Said Dalton.
In Grand Erie the Employment Rate for Male Youth Decreased by 10.5 Per Cent Between 2013 and 2023.
Also in the report:
- Overall Employment was Down Considerably in 2024, Compared to 2023, a sign that some employers Struggled to Fill Skilled Positions.
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- Self-employment grew by more than 1.600 in 2024 as more individuals started their owlsses.
- Youth Employment was about Three Times the Local Unimplement Rate, and was Even Higher for Youth Who Are Indigenous, Newcomers or Had Disabilities.
- There were signs that more employers are investing in workplace initiatives to support work-life balance and increese diversity, equity and inclusion.
Dalton Said that While the Planning Board’s Report Provids An In-Depth Picture of the Current Labour Market, It also is meant to be a catalyst to spark community dialogue, collaboration, strategies and actions.
“Being proactive and thinking differently Will Help Mitigate Negative Impacts on Communities, Businesses and the WorkForce.”
The WorkForce Planning Board is one of 26 Non-Profit Organizations in Ontario That Play A Leadership Role in Labour Force Planning in their Communities.