Raphaël Glucksmann’s program: what do Place publique and the PS offer to the Europeans?

Raphael Glucksmanns program what do Place publique and the PS

Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the list of Place publique and the PS in the European elections, wants to strengthen Europe in the face of world powers and climate issues with social and ecological measures.

Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the list of the alliance formed by the Socialist Party and Place publique, is already defending rather social measures in the European Parliament in which he has sat for five years. For the European elections, the candidate is keeping his usual line but he also says he wants to strengthen Europe, which must be able to protect itself with better European defense, but also come to the aid of its allies like Ukraine and react against attacks, including those of Russia.

Raphaël Glucksmann’s list has a pro-European positioning and shares common expressions with that of the presidential majority led by Valérie Hayer, even objectives, in particular the idea of ​​building a “powerful Europe”. The PS – Public Square list also has similarities with the programs of the other left-wing lists also in the race. This rapprochement is, however, more logical since the left-wing forces have taken up common ideas put forward in the Nupes program during the last national elections. But despite these similarities, Raphaël Glucksmann intends to stand out from the list of the presidential majority, certain ideas of which he fights and from those of the left.

What is Raphaël Glucksmann’s program?

Raphaël Glucksmann’s project aims to make Europe a “political and budgetary power” thanks to a series of measures, including the “fiscal package” making it possible to tax polluting companies, the richest and superprofits. The candidate also indicated to World its objective of “raising the tax” and taxing “the highest assets”. On the economic level, the head of the PS-Place publique list also wishes to relocate production in Europe, whether industrial or agricultural. To promote European agriculture, Raphaël Glucksmann wants to build a “new, fair and sustainable Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Another investment in sight: that planned in the prevention of pandemics and the production of medicines.

Raphaël Glucksmann’s program obviously includes a social component which defends ecological and social transformation to achieve “social justice”. To protect the purchasing power of Europeans, the candidate says he wants to cap energy prices and fight global giants to reduce housing prices.

While the head of the list wants to make the war in Ukraine one of the key issues of the campaign, she is in favor of increasing arms deliveries to Ukraine and more broadly of building European defense.

Raphaël Glucksmann’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. Raphaël Glucksmann calls for a “start” in his country while Europe risks, according to him, finding itself alone in the face of the challenges of climate change, the threats of the war which continues at the gates of the continent and the rise of extremes in the world. The candidate believes that the 2024 European elections are “the most important in history” and promises to “defend without pause or respite our fundamental principles and our vital interests in a moment of change”.

Raphaël Glucksmann’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the website of the PS candidate and Place publique.
