Raped his partner’s child – man from Köping is sentenced to prison for three years

The man from Köping had a relationship with a woman in Västerås for two years. In an interrogation, the child’s mother says that it took time for her child to get to know the man, but in the end she loved him as her pretend father and that they had a good relationship.

The acts must have taken place sometime between May 23, 2022 and February 28, 2023 in Västerås. In view of the seriousness of the violation, the sexual act is comparable to sexual intercourse, according to the court prosecutor, Ewa Henriksson in the judgment.

Abuse of special trust

The crime should be assessed as serious according to the Västmanland district court because the man abused a special trust and the act involved reckless exploitation of the child at a young age.

The man denies the crimes and claims that they were his “ticks”, and that he intended to seek medical help to treat them. However, the district court did not consider that this could explain away his responsibility for the crimes committed.
